作者:Anil NerodeAnil Nerode康奈爾大學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)系的創(chuàng)始人和教授,于1956年在芝加哥大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位。他的研究領(lǐng)域包括數(shù)理邏輯、自動(dòng)機(jī)、可計(jì)算理論、混合系統(tǒng)等。除本書外,他還與其他人合著了《Effective Completeness Theorems for Modal Logic》、《Tableaux for Constructive Concurrent Dynamic Logic》、《Logic,Categories,Lambda Calculus》等書。.
Introduction Propositional Logic 1Orders and Trees 2Propositions,Connectives and Truth Tables 3Truth Assignments and Valuations 4Tableau Proofs in Propositional Calculus 5Soundness and Completeness of Tableau Proofs 6Deductions from Premises and Compactness 7An Axiomatic Approach* 8Resolution 9Refining Resolution 10Linear Resolution,Horn Clauses and PROLOG Predicate Logic 1Predicates and Quantifiers 2The Language:Term and Formulas 3Formaiton Trees,Structures and Lists 4Semantics:Meaning and Truth 5Interpretations of PROLOG Programs 6Proofs:Complete Systematic Tableaux 7Soundness and Completeness of Tableau Proofs 8An Axiomatic Approach* 9Prenex Normal Form and Skolemization 10Herbrand’s Theorem 11Unification 12The Unification Algorithm 13Resolution 14Refining Resolution:Linear Resolution PROLOG 1SLD-Resolution 2Implementations:Searching and Backtracking 3Controlling the Implementation:Cut 4Termination Conditions for PROLOG Programs 5Epuality 6Negation as Failure 7Negation and Nonmonotonic Logic 8Computability and Undecidability Modal Lgic 1Possibility and Necessity;Knowledge or Belief 2Frames and Forcing 3Modal Tableaux 4Soundness and Completeness 5Modal Axioms and Special Accessibility Relaitons 6An Axiomatic Approach* Intutitionistic Logic 1Intuitionism and Constructivism 2Frames and Forcing 3Intuitionistc Tableaux 4Soundness and Completeness 5Decidability and Undecidability 6A Comparative Guide Elements of Set Theory 1Some Basic Axioms of Set Theory 2Boole’s Algebra of Sets 3Relations,Functions and the Power Set Axiom 4The Natural Numbers,Arithmetic and Infinity 5Replacement,Choice and Foundation 6Zermolo-Fraenkel Set Theory in Predicate Logic 7Cardinality:Finite and Countable 8Ordinal Numbers 9Ordinal Arithmetic and Transfinite Induction 10Transfinite Recursion,Coice and the Ranked Universe 11Cardinals and Cardinal Arithmetic Appedix A:An Historical Overview 1Calculus 2Logic 3Leibniz’s Dream 4Nineteenth Century Logic 5Nineteenth Century Foundations of Mathematics 6Twentieth Century Foudations of Mathematics 7Early Twentieth Century Logic 8Deduction and Computation 9Recent Automation of Logic and PROLOG 10The Future Appendix B:A Genealogical Database Bibliography Index of Symbols Index of Terms