Unit1 TextA My Wood TextB The Crooked Streets Unit2 TextA On a Faithful Friend TextB The Ant-Lion Unit3 TextA Film Making TextB The Natrue of Dramatic Illusioln Unit4 TextA Meditation on the Moon TextB The Faces of Buddha Unit5 TextA Snow TextB This Auturmn Morning Unit6 TextA Seeing People off TextB The Shadow in the Rose Garden Unit7 TextA On Arrivals TextB On Doors Unit8 TextA French and English TextB The English and the Americans Unit9 TextA The Pleasures of Ignorance TextB The Pleasures of Ingorance Unit10 TextA A Hanging TextB The Ecstasy of War Unit11 TextA The Inner Ring TextB On Being Modern-Minded Unit12 TextA Why We Fall in Love TextB My Own Ten Rules for a Happy Marriage Unit13 TextA Of Great Pace TextB A Little Great Man Unit14 TextA The Spider and the Bee TextB Old China Unit15 TextA Getting up on Cold Mornings TextB Company of the Wisest Men Unit16 TextA In July TextB The Town Week Unit17 TextA The Convalescent TextB A Country Sunday Unit18 TextA Conversation TextB Letter to His Son