Tonghui River,Liangshui River, Qinghe River, Bahe River, flows through it and more than 30 large branch riversinterflow with the total drainage area of 1,255km2. The current water system of the city zone is composedof the southern and north water half-loops, which connect with 26 lakes. Many rivers and lakes wereexcavated manually in different historical stages. Moreover, the diversion canals of the Yongding Riverand the Miyun Reservoir were built after the founding of the People's Republic of China.Presently, the existing river and lake water system of the city zone is confronted with many problems, forexample, the insufficient flood-carrying capacity, the hidden danger of flood; the obviously increased rateof surface runoff with the progress of urbanization; the lack of water source;the high degree of pollution,the increasingly deteriorating riverside environment; the disordered construction during the "CulturalRevolution" period did great damage to the water system and it has not yet recovered from it.Beijing is the capital of China and national political, economic, cultural center, and also a centuries-oldcivilized ancient capital. The upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Game makes it advance toward aninternational metropolitan and its special position and development prospect bring up higher requirementof the environment. In the light of the present situation and the future development requirement, thecomprehensive treatment of the city water system is put on the top of our agenda.In 1997, with the support of Beijing Municipal People's Government, China Academy of Urban Planningand Design prepared the "Plan for Comprehensive Control of Beijing City-Zone River and Lake WaterSystem", in which the work task between 1998 and 2010 was put forward. The objective of waterenvironmental control is: to turn the water system within the first and second ring road into garden landscape watercourse, and make the water clean and flow merrily; to enhance the flood control capability of the city zone and practically implement the projects of the "water conservation of the west, water drainage of the east, flood diversion of the south and north"; to develop the sewage intercepting project of the water system within the limit of the first and second ring road and make the quality of water meet standard?。℅HZB 1-1999). "Two rings", i.e. south waterlocked system and north waterlocked system, are the two water systems passing through the city zone. The southern one is composed of the Kunming Lake, the Kunyu section of the diversion canal of Miyun Reservoir, Yuyuan Pon, Bayi Lake, the lower reaches of the diversion canal of ~ongding River, the south city moat and the upper reaches of Tonghui River, etc.; the northern one is composed of the Changhe River, the North Moat, Liangma River, Shuidui Lake (in Chaoyang Park), Honglingjin Lake (in Honglingjin Park) and Erdao Gou.
Preface 1 General 1.1 Project Profile 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Basis 1.4 Characteristics of Assessed Project 1.5 Executive Standard for Environmental Impact Assessment 1.6 Evaluation Rating 1.7 Evaluation Range 1.8 Key Protective Objects 2 Engineering Analysis 2.1 Engineering Characteristics 2.2 Main Works & Scope of Project 2.2.1 Main Works 2.2.2 Associated Works 2.2.3 Storm Sewage Works 2.2.4 Appurtenant Works 2.3 Engineering Workload 2.4 Engineering Task 2.5 Occupation of Land & Settlement Project 2.6 Construction Program 2.7 Project Operating Management 2.8 Project Investment & Economic Evaluation 2.9 Analysis and Screening of Environment-Affecting Factors 2.9.1 Analysis of Environment-Affecting Factors During Construction Period 2.9.2 Analysis of Environment-Affecting Factors During Operating Period 2.9.3 Environment-Affecting Factor Matrix 3 Existing Environment 3.1 Natural Environment 3.1.1 Climate 3.1.2 Topographic & Geologic Condition 3.1.3 Vegetation 3.1.4 Aquatic Plants 3.2 Social Environment 3.2.1 Brief Introduction of Beijing 3.2.2 Administrative Divisions 3.2.3 Soil Erosion 3.2.4 Parks, Historical and Cultural Relics 3.2.5 Means of Transportation & Traffic Condition 3.3 Existing Water System 3.3.1 Composition and Historical Evolution 3.3.2 Park Lakes Connecting with North-Ring Water System 3.3.3 River Cross Section and Sluices, Ship-locks and Wharfs 3.3.4 Water System Control Management 3.3.5 Water System Function 3.4 Major Environmental Challenges 4 Quality Assessment of Existing Environment 4.1 Water Environment 4.1.1 Pollution Source Investigation 4.1.2 Quality Assessment of Existing Environment 4.2 Atmospheric Environment 4.2.1 Pollution Source Investigation 4.2.2 Assessment of Existing Atmospheric Environment 4.3 Acoustic Environment 4.3.1 Pollution Source Investigation 4.3.2 Assessment of Existing Acoustic Environment 5 Environmental Impact Assessment During Construction Period 5.1 Impact on Quality of Water 5.1.1 Pollution Source Analysis of Each Construction Stage 5.1.2 Impact Analysis 5.2 Impact on Air Quality 5.2.1 Pollution Source Analysis of Each Construction Stage 5.2.2 Impact Analysis 5.3 Impact on Acoustic Environment 5.4 Impact on People's Health 5.5 Impact on Urban Traffic 5.5.1 Impact of Each Construction Process on Traffic 5.5.2 Traffic Impact Analysis 5.6 Impact on Ecologic Environment ~ 5.7 Impact on Cultural and Historical Sites 5.8 Impact on Landscape Development 5.9 Impact on Street sanitation 5.10 Impact on Sensitive Objects like Residential Quarters, Schools, Organs and Embassies 5.10.1 Distribution of Sensitive Objects 5.10.2 Impact Analysis of Construction Work on Sensitive Objects 5.11 Soil Erosion 5.11.1 Soil Erosion of Each Process 5.11.2 Volume of Soil Erosion & Affected Area 5.11.3 Impact of Soil Erosion 5.12 Environmental Impact of the Disposal of Dredged Soil and Slag and Mud 5.12.1 Dredged Soil and Slag 5.12.2 Environmental Impact Analysis of the River Bottom mud 5.13 Environmental Impact of Land Occupation Because of Removal Work 5.1 3.1 Identification of Environmental Impact 5.13.2 Impact Analysis 5.13.3 Residents Relocation Plan 6 Environmental Impact Assessment During Operating Period 6.1 Quality of Stream Water 6.2 Impact on Ground Water 6.3 Waste Water of the Managerial Staff 6.4 Existing Environmental Problems and Solutions 6.5 Project EP Effect 7 Comparative Study 7.1 Comparison of Project Scope 7.2 Comparison of Environmental Impact 7.2.1 Reduced Engineering Workload 7.2.2 The Use of New Materials 7.2.3 Unique Landscape Design 7.2.4 Different Construction Time 7.2.5 Comparison of Different Construction Method for Dredging in the Matter of Environmental Impact 7.2.6 Overall Evaluation 8 Public Opinion Survey & Openness of Information 8.1 Public Opinion Survey 8.1.1 Objective of Investigation 8.1.2 Method of Investigation 8.1.3 Analysis of Investigation Result 8.1.4 Valuable Suggestions 8.2 Evidentiary Hearing 8.3 Openness of Information 9 Environment Management Plan 9.1 EP Measures 9.1.1 EP Measures During Construction Period 9.1.2 EP Measures During Operating Period 9.2 Environmental Management 9.3 Environmental Monitoring 9.3.1 Supervisory and Test Organ 9.3.2 Objective of Environmental Monitoring 9.3.3 Monitoring Programme 9.4 Environmental Surveillance 9.5 EP Investment Estimate 10 Conclusion 10.1 Regional Existing Environment 10.2 Environmental Impact During Construction Period 10.3 Environmental Impact During Operating Period 10.4 Evaluation Result of EP Effect 10.5 Participation of General Public 10.6 Conclusion 10.7 Proposals Attached Lists Annexed Table 1: Standard Limit Value of Basic Items for Ground Water Environmental Quality Inspection (GB3838-2002) Annexed Table 2: Limit Value of Concentration of Ambient Air Pollutant Annexed Table 3-1: Standard for Urban Regional Ambient Noise (GB3096-93) Annexed Table 3-2:Noise Standard of Construction Site Annexed Table 4: Standard for Water Pollutant Drained into Surface Water System and Its Water Source Annexed Table 5: Standards for Water Pollutants Drained Into Municipal Sewer System (By Beijing Municipal Administration Section) Attached Figures Figure 1: Geographic Location Map of Treatment Project of the North Moat and Liangma River of North-Ring Water System Figure 2: Engineering Distribution Diagram and Construction Plan (1-2) Figure 3: Sectional View of the North Moat Figure 4: Sectional View between Hujiayuan Rubber Dam and West Worker's Stadium Road of Liangma River Figure 5: Sectional View between Paper Mill Ship-Lock and West Worker's Stadium Road of Liangma River Figure 6: Sectional View between West Worker's Stadium Road and East Fourth-Ring Road of Liangma River and the Waste Canal Figure 7: Sectional View of Liangma River Pingfang Irrigation Canal Figure 8: Distribution Diagram of Existing Environmental Monitoring Point Figure 9-1a: Location of the Sensitive Objects, Cultural and Historical Sites, and Bridges (North City Moat) Figure 9-1b: Location of the Sensitive Objects, Cultural and Historical Sites, and Bridges (Liangma Rirer) Figure 10: Sectional View of the Original Design Scheme Figure 11: Distribution Diagram of Planned Environmental Monitoring Point Pictures Picture 1: Present Situation of North Moat and the Site of Evidentiary Hearing Picture 2: Present Situation of Liangma River Picture 3: Buildings To Be Pulled Down Picture 4: Present Situation of Water Quality and Bottom Mud