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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術計算機/網絡計算機組織與體系結構計算機體系結構量化研究方法(英文版·第4版)



定 價:¥78.00

作 者: (美)斯坦福大學
出版社: 機械工業(yè)
標 簽: 系統(tǒng)結構

ISBN: 9787111203780 出版時間: 2007-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 623 字數:  


  本書系統(tǒng)地介紹了計算機系統(tǒng)的設計基礎、指令集系統(tǒng)結構,流水線和指令集并行技術。層次化存儲系統(tǒng)與存儲設備?;ミB網絡以及多處理器系統(tǒng)等重要內容。在這個最新版中,作者更新了單核處理器到多核處理器的歷史發(fā)展過程的相關內容,同時依然使用他們廣受好評的“量化研究方法”進行計算設計,并展示了多種可以實現并行,陛的技術,而這些技術可以看成是展現多處理器體系結構威力的關鍵!在介紹多處理器時,作者不但講解了處理器的性能,還介紹了有關的設計要素,包括能力??煽啃?、可用性和可信性。本書內容豐富,既介紹了當今計算機體系結構的最新研究成果,也引述了許多計算機系統(tǒng)設計開發(fā)方面的實踐經驗。另外,各章結尾還附有大量的習題和參考文獻。本書既可以作為高等院校計算機專業(yè)高年級本科生和研究生學習“計算機體系結構”和“計算機組成原理”等課程的教材或參考書,也可供與計算機相關的專業(yè)人士學習參考。本書特色每章中的“Putting,It All Together”小節(jié)關注了業(yè)界的各種最新技術,包括Sun Niagara處理器、AMD Opteron處理器以及Intel Pentium 4處理器?!癛eview appendices”小節(jié)中收錄了正文內容所依賴的基本和中間準則。每章最后都有一個由工業(yè)或學術界的專家提供的“Case Studies”,以及與之配套的練習題,以便讀者更深入地理解和掌握每章中所論述的關鍵概念。附贈光盤中的“Reference appendices”收錄了一些特邀學術專家的文章,其中包括嵌入式系統(tǒng)。向量處理機?;ミB網絡和大規(guī)模多處理9S等很多方面的內容。 多處理器時代已經不可避免地到來了。當我們告別單核處理器并邁入芯片多重處理技術的時代時,這部經典著作的最新版恰好出版。很少有其他著作能像本書一樣在業(yè)界造成如此重大的影響,并且可以肯定,這個最新版在未來的一段時間內都會成為該領域內的權威讀物。——Luiz Andre Barroso,Google公司如果你問下面哪個可算作經典:甲殼蟲樂隊,HP計算器,巧克力曲奇餅,還足這本書?我會告訴你,它們都很經典,因為它們都經受住了時間的考驗!


  John L.Hennessy,斯坦福大學校長,IEEE和ACM會士,美國國家工程研究院院士及美國科學藝術研究院院士,因在RISC技術方面做出的突出貢獻而榮獲了2001年的Eckert-Mauchly獎。同時他也是2001是Seymour Cray計算機工程獎得主,并且和本書另外一位作者David A.Patterson分享了2000的IEEE John von Neumann獎。


A knowledgments  
Chapter 1  Fundamentals of Computer Design  
1.1 Introduction  
1.2 Classes of Computers  
1.3 Defining Computer Ar hitecture  
1.4 Trends in Technology  
1.5 Trends in Power in Integrated Circuits  
1.6 Trends in Cost  
1.7 Dependability  
1.8 Measuring, Reporting, and Summarizing Performance  
1.9 Quantitative Principles of Computer Design  
1.10 Putting It All Together: Performance and Price-Performance  
1.11 Falla ies and Pitfalls  
1.12 Con luding Remarks  
1.13 Historical Perspectives and References Case Studies with Exercises by Diana Franklin  
Chapter 2  Instru tion-Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation  
2.1 Instruction-Level Parallelism: Concepts and Challenges  
2.2 Basi CompilerTe hniques for Exposing lLP  
2.3 Reducing Branch Costs with Prediction  
2.4 Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynami Scheduling  
2.5 Dynami Scheduling: Examples and the Algorithm  
2.6 Hardware-Based Speculation  
2.7 Exploiting lLP Using Multiple Issue and Stati Scheduling  
2.8 Exploiting lLP Using Dynami Scheduling, Multiple Issue,and Speculation  
2.9 Advanced Techniques for Instruction Delivery and Speculation  
2.10 Putting It AIITogether:The Intel Pentium 4  
2.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
2.12 Concluding Remarks  
2.13 Historical Perspective and References Case Studies with Exercises by Robert R Colwell  
Chapter 3  Limits on Instruction-Level Parallelism  
3.1 Introduction  
3.2 Studies of the Limitations of lLP  
3.3 Limitations On lLP for Realizable Processors  
3.4 Crosscutting Issues: Hardwarecversus Software Speculation  
3.5 Multithreading:Using lLP Support to Exploit Thread-Level Parallelism  
3.6 Putting It All Together: Performance and Efficiency in Advanced Multiple-Issue Processors  
3.7 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
3.8 Concluding Remarks  
3.9 Historical Perspective and References Case Study with Exercises by Wen-mei W. Hwu and John W. Sias  
Chapter4  Multiprocessors and Thread-Level Parallelism  
4.1 Introduction  
4.2 Symmetri Shared-Memory Architectures  
4.3 Performan eofSymmetri Shared-MemoryMultipro essors  
4.4 Distributed Shared Memory and Dire tory-Based Coherence  
4.5 Syn hronization:The Basi s  
4.6 Models of Memory Consistency: An Introduction  
4.7 Crossc utting Issues  
4.8 Putting It All Together:The Sun T1 Multipro essor  
4.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
4.10 Concluding Remarks  
4.11 Historical Perspective and ReferencesCase Studies with Exercises by David A. Wood  
Chapter 5  Memory Hierar hy Design  
5.1 Introduction  
5.2 Eleven Advan ed Optimizations of Cache Performance  
5.3 MemoryTechnology and Optimizations  
5.4 Protection:Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines  
5.5 Crosscutting Issues: The Design of Memory Hierarchies..  
5.6 Putting It AlITogether:AMD Opteron Memory Hierarchy  
5.7 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
5.8 Con luding Remarks  
5.9 Historical Perspective and References Case Studies with Exercises by Norman RJouppi  
Chapter6  Storage Systems  
6.1 Introduction  
6.2 Advanced Topicscin Disk Storage  
6.3 Definition and Examples of Real Faults and Failures  
6.4 I/0 Performance, Reliability Measures, and Benchmarks  
6.5 AcLittle Queuing Theory  
6.6 Crosscutting Issues  
6.7 Designing and Evaluating an I/0 System--The Internet Archive Cluster  
6.8 Putting It All Together: NetApp FAS6000 Filer  
6.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
6.10 Concluding Remarks  
6.11 Historical Perspective and References Case Studies with Exercises by Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau  
Appendix A  Pipelining: Basic and Intermediate Concepts  
A.1 Introduction  
A.2 The Major Hurdle of Pipelining--Pipeline Hazards  
A.3 How Is Pipelining Implemented?  
A.4 What Makes Pipelining Hard to Implement?  
A.5 Extending the MIPS Pipeline to Handle Multicy lecOperations  
A.6 Putting It AIITogether:The MIPS R4000 Pipeline  
A.7 Crosscutting Issues  
A.8 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
A.9 Concluding Remarks  
A.10 Historical Perspective and References  
Appendix B  Instruction Set Prindples and Examples  
B.1 Introduction  
B.2 Classifying Instruction Set Architectures  
B.3 Memory Addressing  
B.4 Type and Size of Operands  
B.5 Operations in the Instruction Set  
B.6 Instructions for Control Flow  
B.7 Encoding an Instruction Set  
B.8 Crosscutting Issues:The Role of Compilers  
B.9 Putting It All Together:The MIPS Architecture  
B.10 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
B.11 Concluding Remarks  
B.12 Historical Perspective and References  
Appendix C  Review of Memory Hierarchy  
C.1 Introduction  
C.2 Cache Performance  
C.3 SixcBasi Cache Optimizations  
C.4 Virtual Memory  
C.5 Protection and Examples of Virtual Memory  
C.6 Fallacies and Pitfalls  
C.7 Concluding Remarks  
C.8 Historical Perspective and References  
Companion CD Appendices  
Appendix D  Embedded Systems  
Updated by Thomas M. Conte  
Appendix E  Interconnection Networks  
Revised by Timothy M Pinkston and Jose Duato  
Appendix F  Vector Processors  
Revised by Krste Asanovi  
Appendix G  Hardware and Software for VL!W and EPIC  
Appendix H  Large-Scale Multiprocessors and Scientifi Applications  
Appendix I  Computer Arithmeti  
by David Goldberg  
Appendix J  Survey of Instruction Set Architectures  
Appendix K  Historical Perspectives and References  
Online Appendix (textbooks.celsevier, om/O 123 704901)  
Appendix L  Solutions to Case Study Exercises  
Referen es  


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