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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書(shū)教育/教材/教輔外語(yǔ)英語(yǔ)詞匯/語(yǔ)法/閱讀歐美文學(xué)名篇選讀:語(yǔ)言文化類



定 價(jià):¥29.90

作 者: 田祥斌,王秀銀 主編
出版社: 外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社
叢編項(xiàng): 高等學(xué)校英語(yǔ)拓展系列教程
標(biāo) 簽: 文學(xué)賞析

ISBN: 9787560059891 出版時(shí)間: 2006-11-01 包裝: 膠版紙
開(kāi)本: 16開(kāi) 頁(yè)數(shù): 345 字?jǐn)?shù):  






chapter 1 ancient european literature
homer (flourished 9th or 8th century bc?)
sophocles (496?--406bc)
oedipus the king
chapter 2 european literature of the middle ages
dante alighieri (1265--1321)
the divine comedy
giovanni boccaccio (1313--1375)
the decameron
geoffrey chaucer (1340?--1400)
the canterbury tales
english ballads
get up and bar the door
chapter 3 european literature of the renaissance
francesco petrarch (1304---1374)
the eyes that drew from me
miguel de cervantes (1547--1616)
don quixote
william shakespeare (1564--1616)
sonnet 18
sonnet 29
francis bacon (1561--1626)
of studies
chapter 4 seventeenth-century european literature
john donne (1572--1631)
the flea
john milton (1608--1674)
paradise lost
moliere (1622--1673)
tartuffe, or, the imposter
chapter 5 eighteenth-century european literature
daniel defoe (]660?--]73 ])
robinson crusoe
jonathan swift (1667--1745)
a modest proposal
johann wolfgang yon goethe (1749--1832)
the sorrows of young werther
chapter 6 euro-american poetry of the romantic period
william blake (1757--1827)
the chimney sweeper (ii)
robert burns (1759--1796)
a red, red rose
my heart's in the highlands
william wordsworth (1770--1850)
she dwelt among the untrodden ways
the solitary reaper
i wandered lonely as a cloud
george gordon byron (1788--1824)
she walks in beauty
percy bysshe shelley (1792--1822)
ode to the west wind
john keats (1795--1821)
ode to a nightingale
edgar allan poe (1809--1849)
to helen
walt whitman (1819--1892)
0 captain/my captain/
emily dickinson (1830--1886)
i died for beauty
i'm nobody
chapter 7 euro-american fiction and drama of the
nineteenth century
jane austen (1775--1817)
pride and prejudice
charles dickens (1812--1870)
great expectations
charlotte bronte (1816--1855)
jane eyre
emily bronte (1818--1848)
wuthering heights
thomas hardy (1840--1928)
tess of the d 'urbervilles
george bernard shaw (1856--1950)
washington irving (1783--1859)
rip van winkle
nathaniel hawthorne (1804--1864)
the scarlet letter
mark twain (1835--1910)
a matter of honor
stendhal (1783--1842)
the red and the black
honore de balzac (1799--1850)
father goriot
victor hugo (1802--1885)
les miserables
gustave flaubert (1821--1880)
madame bovary
guy de maupassant (1850--1893)
bel ami
fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky (1821--1881)
crime and punishment
lev tolstoy (1828--1910)
anna karenina
anton pavlovich chekhov (1860--1904)
a chameleon
henrik ibsen (1828--1906)
a doll "s house
chapter 8 euro-american literature of the twentieth century
james joyce (1882--1941)
virginia woolf (1882--1941)
the mark on the wall
david herbert lawrence (1885--1930)
women in love
samuel beckett (1906--1989)
waiting for godot
william golding (1911--1993)
lord of the flies
angela carter (1940--1992)
the tiger's bride
david lodge (1935--)
small world
william butler yeats (1865--1939)
the second coming
ezra pound (1885--1972)
in a station of the metro
e. e. cummings (1894--1962)
in just-
richard connell (1893--1949)
the most dangerous game
william faulkner (1897--1962)
a rose for emily
ernest hemingway (1899--1961)
hills like white elephants
toni morrison (1931--)
song of solomon
marcel proust (1871--1922)
remembrance of things past
mikhail aleksandrovich sholokhov (1905--1984)
the fate of a man
glinter wilhelm grass (1927--)
the tin drum
franz kafka (1883--1924)
the metamorphosis
elfriede jelinek (1946--)
the piano teacher
jorge luis borges (1899--1986)
the garden of forking paths
gabriel garcia marquez (1927--)
one hundred years of solitude


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