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Bailey & Love外科學(xué)

Bailey & Love外科學(xué)

定 價:¥98.00

作 者: R.C.G.Russell、Norman S.Williams、Christopher J.K.Bulstrode
出版社: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 醫(yī)學(xué) 綜合

ISBN: 9787117076951 出版時間: 2006-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16 頁數(shù): 332 字數(shù):  


  《Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery》是一部經(jīng)典外科學(xué)著作,為醫(yī)學(xué)本科生和受培訓(xùn)外科醫(yī)師必讀的基本教材。該系列教材內(nèi)容綜合、全面,幾乎覆蓋了外科所有的領(lǐng)域;語言凝練、明快,布局層次分明、圖文并茂,極富閱讀性,書中配有大量(1000余幅)的臨床彩色與黑白圖片、臨床精要、學(xué)習(xí)要點,使讀者易于閱讀、理解與掌握。該教材可供全國高等學(xué)?;蜥t(yī)藥院校八年制(或七年制)醫(yī)學(xué)生和研究生及青年外科醫(yī)生使用。本書有異于其他著名外科書籍之處,是其可讀性很高。該書一直保持其優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),利用書頁底部的空間簡介外科重要人物,或講述有趣和有歷史價值的外科事件,以增加閱讀時的趣味。每章節(jié)起始都注明學(xué)習(xí)目的,使讀者更容易明白和掌握課本的內(nèi)容。書內(nèi)更有大量圖表,幫助讀者吸收課本中的知識。此外,更通過以普通字體印出必讀材料,和以小字體印出較深入的輔助材料,方便不同程序的讀者按自己的需要做選擇性的閱讀。 本書為第3卷,主要介紹了為五官-頭頸外科、胸心外科和內(nèi)分泌外科等內(nèi)容。TOP目錄 Volume 1 Basic SurgeryChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Diagnostic and interventional radiologyChapter 3 Preparing a patient for surgeryChapter 4 Anaesthesia and pain managementChapter 5 Acute life support and critical care: fluid,electrolyte and acid-base balance and blood transfusion Chapter 6 NutritionChapter 7 Wounds, tissue repair and scarsChapter 8 Basic surgical skills and anastomosesChapter 9 Principles of laparoscopic surgeryChapter l0Wound infectionChapter 11Sterile precautions and theatre safetyChapter 12Parasitic infections Chapter 13Acquired immunodeficiency syndromeChapter 14TransplantationChapter 15Cysts, ulcers and sinusesChapter 16Principles of oncologyChapter 17Day surgeryChapter 18An approach to surgical auditChapter 19Clinical trials and statisticsChapter 20Surgical ethicsChapter 21Plastic and reconstructive surgeryChapter 22BurnsChapter 23Accident and emergency surgeryChapter 24Warfare injuriesChapter 25Postoperative careAppendix : TetanusTermsⅠVolume 2 OrthopedicsChapter 26Clinical examination in musculoskeletal disordersChapter 27Musculoskeletal imagingChapter 28Fractures and dislocationsChapter 29Problems in the shoulder and elbowChapter 30Pelvic and acetabular fracturesChapter 31Lower limb traumaChapter 32Surgery for arthritis in the hip and kneeChapter 33Diseases of bones and joints: infection ..Chapter 34Bone tumoursChapter 35Diseases of the bones, joints and connective tissuesChapter 36Paediatric orthopaedics: normal development and congenital disordersChapter 37Paediatric orthopaedics: diseases of the growing skeletonChapter 38Sports medicine and biomechanicsChapter 39Wrist and handChapter 40The footChapter 41Neurological disorders and the musculoskeletal systemChapter 42The spine, vertebral column and spinal cordTermsVolume 30torhinolaryngology, Head and Neck,Cardiothoracic and Endocrine SurgeryChapter 43The eye and orbitChapter 44Cleft lip and palate: developmental abnormalities of the face,mouth and jawsChapter 45Maxillofacial injuries Chapter 46The nose and sinusesChapter 47The earChapter 48Oral and oropharyngeal cancerChapter 49Disorders of the salivary glandsChapter 50Pharynx, larynx and neckChapter 51The thyroid gland and the thyroglossal tractChapter 52Parathyroid and adrenal glandsChapter 53The breastChapter 54The thoraxChapter 55Cardiac surgeryChapter 56The oesophagusTermsVolume 4 Neurosurgery, Urinary and Vascular SurgeryChapter 57NervesChapter 58Craniocerebral traumaChapter 59Elective neurosurgeryChapter 60Urinary symptoms,investigation of the urinary tract and anuriaChapter 61The kidneys and uretersChapter 62The urinary bladderChapter 63The prostate and seminal vesiclesChapter 64The urethra and penisChapter 65Testis and scrotumChapter 66Arterial disordersChapter 67Venous disordersChapter 68LymphoedemaTermsVolume 5 Abdominal and Pediatric SurgeryChapter 69Stomach and duodenumChapter 70The liverChapter 71The spleenChapter 72The gall bladder and bile ductsChapter 73The pancreasChapter 74The peritoneum, omentum, mesentery and retroperitoneal spaceChapter 75The small and large intestinesChapter 76Intestinal obstructionChapter 77The vermiform appendixChapter 78The rectumChapter 79The anus and anal canalChapter 80Hernias, umbilicus and abdominal wallChapter 81Principles of paediatric surgeryTerms TOP 其它信息 裝幀:平裝頁數(shù):296 版次:1開本:0開


暫缺《Bailey & Love外科學(xué)》作者簡介


Volume 1 Basic Surgery
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Diagnostic and interventional radiology
Chapter 3 Preparing a patient for surgery
Chapter 4 Anaesthesia and pain management
Chapter 5 Acute life support and critical care: fluid,electrolyte and acid-base balance and blood transfusion
Chapter 6 Nutrition
Chapter 7 Wounds, tissue repair and scars
Chapter 8 Basic surgical skills and anastomoses
Chapter 9 Principles of laparoscopic surgery
Chapter l0 Wound infection
Chapter 11 Sterile precautions and theatre safety
Chapter 12 Parasitic infections
Chapter 13 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Chapter 14 Transplantation
Chapter 15 Cysts, ulcers and sinuses
Chapter 16 Principles of oncology
Chapter 17 Day surgery
Chapter 18 An approach to surgical audit
Chapter 19 Clinical trials and statistics
Chapter 20 Surgical ethics
Chapter 21 Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Chapter 22 Burns
Chapter 23 Accident and emergency surgery
Chapter 24 Warfare injuries
Chapter 25 Postoperative care
Appendix -- Tetanus
Terms Ⅰ
Volume 2 Orthopedics
Chapter 26 Clinical examination in musculoskeletal disorders
Chapter 27 Musculoskeletal imaging
Chapter 28 Fractures and dislocations
Chapter 29 Problems in the shoulder and elbow
Chapter 30 Pelvic and acetabular fractures
Chapter 31 Lower limb trauma
Chapter 32 Surgery for arthritis in the hip and knee
Chapter 33 Diseases of bones and joints: infection ..
Chapter 34 Bone tumours
Chapter 35 Diseases of the bones, joints and connective tissues
Chapter 36 Paediatric orthopaedics: normal development and congenital disorders
Chapter 37 Paediatric orthopaedics: diseases of the growing skeleton
Chapter 38 Sports medicine and biomechanics
Chapter 39 Wrist and hand
Chapter 40 The foot
Chapter 41 Neurological disorders and the musculoskeletal system
Chapter 42 The spine, vertebral column and spinal cord
Volume 30torhinolaryngology, Head and Neck,
Cardiothoracic and Endocrine Surgery
Chapter 43 The eye and orbit
Chapter 44 Cleft lip and palate: developmental abnormalities of the face,mouth and jaws
Chapter 45 Maxillofacial injuries
Chapter 46 The nose and sinuses
Chapter 47 The ear
Chapter 48 Oral and oropharyngeal cancer
Chapter 49 Disorders of the salivary glands
Chapter 50 Pharynx, larynx and neck
Chapter 51 The thyroid gland and the thyroglossal tract
Chapter 52 Parathyroid and adrenal glands
Chapter 53 The breast
Chapter 54 The thorax
Chapter 55 Cardiac surgery
Chapter 56 The oesophagus
Volume 4 Neurosurgery, Urinary and Vascular Surgery
Chapter 57 Nerves
Chapter 58 Craniocerebral trauma
Chapter 59 Elective neurosurgery
Chapter 60 Urinary symptoms,investigation of the
urinary tract and anuria
Chapter 61 The kidneys and ureters
Chapter 62 The urinary bladder
Chapter 63 The prostate and seminal vesicles
Chapter 64 The urethra and penis
Chapter 65 Testis and scrotum
Chapter 66 Arterial disorders
Chapter 67 Venous disorders
Chapter 68 Lymphoedema
Volume 5 Abdominal and Pediatric Surgery
Chapter 69 Stomach and duodenum
Chapter 70 The liver
Chapter 71 The spleen
Chapter 72 The gall bladder and bile ducts
Chapter 73 The pancreas
Chapter 74 The peritoneum, omentum, mesentery and retroperitoneal space
Chapter 75 The small and large intestines
Chapter 76 Intestinal obstruction
Chapter 77 The vermiform appendix
Chapter 78 The rectum
Chapter 79 The anus and anal canal
Chapter 80 Hernias, umbilicus and abdominal wall
Chapter 81 Principles of paediatric surgery


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