1992年 Hirota型非線性發(fā)展方程的整體光滑解 Mixed Initial Boundary-Value Problem For Some Multi-dimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations Including Damping Cauchy Problem for a Generalized Nonlinear Dispersive Equation The Existince of Global Solution and Blow up Phenomenon for a System of Multi-dimensional Symmetric Regularized Wave Equations 1993年 The Landau-Lifshitz Equation of the Ferromagnetic Spin Chain and Harmonic Maps 一類鐵磁鏈型方程組的Cauchy問題 多維鐵磁鏈型方程組 廣義Kuramoto-Sivashinsky型方程周期初值問題的整體吸引子 The Global Attractors for the Periodic Initial Value Problem of Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Type Equations in Multi-dimensions Periodic Boundary Problem and Cauchy Problem for the Fluid Dynamic Equations 1994年 On Global Solution for a Class of Multi-dimensional Generalized Zakharov Type Equation 方義3axapoB方程組的初邊值問題 1995年