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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書(shū)科學(xué)技術(shù)自然科學(xué)力學(xué)超聲流和激波



定 價(jià):¥59.00

作 者: R.Courant、K.O.Friedrichs
出版社: 世界圖書(shū)出版公司
標(biāo) 簽: 力學(xué)


ISBN: 9787506273107 出版時(shí)間: 2006-07-01 包裝: 平裝
開(kāi)本: 頁(yè)數(shù): 464 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Ⅰ. Compressible Fluids
1. Qualitative differences between linear and nonlinear waves
 A. General Equations of Flow. Thermodynamic Notions
  2. The medium
  3. Ideal gases, polytropic gases, and media with separable energy
  4. Mathematical comments on ideal gases
  5. Solids which do not satisfy Hooke's law
  6. Discrete media
  7. Differential equations of motion
  8. Conservation of energy
  9. Enthalpy
  10. Isentropic flow. Steady flow. Subsonic and supersonic flow
  11. Acoustic approximation
  12. Vector form of the flow equations
  13. Conservation of circulation. Irrotational flow. Poten-tial
 14. Bernoulli's law
  15. Limit speed and critical speed
 B. Differential Equations for Specific Types of Flow
 16. Steady flows
  17. Non-steady flows
 18. Lagrange's equations of motion for one-dimensional and spherical flow
Appendix--Wave Motion in Shallow Water
  19. Shallow water theory
Ⅱ. Mathematical Theory of Hyperbolic Flow Equations for Functions of Two Variables
20. Flow equations involving two functions of two variables..
21. Differential equations of second order type
22. Characteristic curves and characteristic equations
23. Characteristic equations for specific problems
24. The initial value problem. Domain of dependence.Range of influence
25. Propagation of discontinuities along characteristic lines..
26. Characteristic lines as separation lines between regions of different types
27. Characteristic initial values
28. Supplementary remarks about boundary data
29. Simple waves. Flow adjacent to a region of constant state
30. The hodograph transformation and its singularities.Limiting lines
31. Systems of more than two differential equations
 32. General remarks about differential equations for func-
tions of more than two independent variables.Char-acteristic surfaces
Ⅲ. One-Dimensional Flow
33. Problems of one-dimensional flow
A. Continuous Flow
 34. Characteristics
  35. Domain of dependence. Range of influence
  36. More general initial data
  37. Riemann invariants
  38. Integration of the differential equations of isentropic flow
  39. Remarks on the Lagrangian representation
B. Rarefaction and Compression Waves
 40. Simple waves
  41. Distortion of the wave form in a simple wave
  42. Particle paths and cross-characteristics in a simple wave
  43. Rarefaction waves
  44. Escape speed. Complete and incomplete rarefaction waves
 45. Centered rarefaction waves
  46. Explicit formulas for centered rarefaction waves
  47. Remark on simple waves in Lagrangian coordinates
  48. Compression waves
Appendix to Part B
 49. Position of the envelope and its cusp in a compression wave
C. Shacks
  50. The shock as an irreversible process
 51. Historical remarks on non-linear flow
  52. Discontinuity surfaces
  53. Basic model of discontinuous motion. Shock wave in a tube
Ⅳ.Isentropic Irrotational Steady Plane Flow
Ⅴ.Folw in Noxxies and Jets
Ⅵ.Folw in Three Dimensions
Index of Sybmols
Subjuct Index


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