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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書經(jīng)濟管理經(jīng)濟各行業(yè)經(jīng)濟The lndustrial Competitiveness:中國工業(yè)的國際競爭力

The lndustrial Competitiveness:中國工業(yè)的國際競爭力

The lndustrial Competitiveness:中國工業(yè)的國際競爭力

定 價:¥72.00

作 者: 金碚
出版社: 外文出版社
標 簽: 經(jīng)濟與管理 綜合


ISBN: 9787119040844 出版時間: 2007-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 0開 頁數(shù): 187 字數(shù):  


  Competitiveness Phenomenon in China.S Industri-alization Process;Changing Trends in China.S Industrial International Competitiveness;Brand Competitiveness in a Global Environment;Chinese Industry.S Opening-up;Technology Innovation and China’S Industry;Development Roads and Strategy Choices;China’S International Industrial Competitiveness in a Constrained Resource Environment.


暫缺《The lndustrial Competitiveness:中國工業(yè)的國際競爭力》作者簡介


Chapter One Economic Basis of Competitiveness Research
Ⅰ.Can Economics Explain Competitiveness?
Ⅱ.How Does Economics Explain Competitiveness?
Ⅲ.The Properties and Determining Factors of industrialCompetitiveness
Ⅳ.Theoretical Framework of industrial Competitiveness Analysis
Chapter Two Competitiveness Phenomenon in China’Industr5aHZatlon Process
Ⅰ.The Unique Nature of China’S induSthauZatiOn
Ⅱ.The Low—Cost.Low—Phce Advantage of China’S Industries
Ⅲ.China Attracts the Most FDi among Developing Countries
Ⅳ.Changes in the international Competition Relations of Enterprises and Industries
Ⅴ.inter-Regional Competitiveness in China
Chapter Three ChangingTrends in China’S industrial International Competitiveness
Ⅰ.industrial Capacity and 0verall Export Competitiveness
Ⅱ.Structural Analysis of the Competitiveness of Export Commodities
Ⅲ.Market Share Analysis of China’S industrial Products
Ⅳ.Quality and Changing Trends of industrial Products
Chapter Four Brand Competitiveness in a Global Environment
Ⅰ.Background and Significance of the Brand Competi-tiveness Survey
Ⅱ.Methodology and Main Conclusions of the Survey
Ⅲ.Comparative Analysis of the Two Surveys
Ⅳ.Distribution of Advantaged Brands Across industrial Sectors
Ⅴ.Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Foreign Brands
Ⅵ.Regional Distribution of Competitive Brands
Chapter Five Chinese industry’S Opening-Up
Ⅰ.High—Speed industrialization Propelled by Process Advantage
Ⅱ.New Trends in China’S Opening.Up
Ⅲ.The Challenges of Economic Globalization and Sci-Tech Revolution
Ⅳ.implementing an Opening—Up Strategy Better Suited to China
Chapter Six Technology innovation and China’S industry
Ⅰ.Technology Sources and innovation in China’S indus-trialization
Ⅱ.Labor Resources and Technology Choices
Ⅲ.The Position and Role of High Technology in industrial Development
Ⅳ.Opening Up and China’S industrial 7echnology Devel-opment Path
Ⅴ.Progress and Problems of Technology innovation in Industrial Enterprises
Chapter Seven Development Roads and Strategy Choices
Ⅰ.General Trends and Stage Characteristics of China’S Industrial Development
Chapter Eight China’s International Industrial Competi-tiveness in Constrained Resource Environment


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