Table of Contents Introduction Cboter 1 Overall CL8C Course Objectives Descrlbe the major features of the Catalyst Switches Descrlbe the archltecture and functlons of the major components of the Catalyst sWltches Place Cata1yst series sWltches ln a netWork for optlmal performance benefit Use the command llne menu or menudrlven lnterface to conflgure the Catalyst serles switches and their switchlng modules Use the command line menu or menudrlven lnterface to conflgure trunks, virtual LANs, and ATM LAN Emulatlon Malntain Catalyst series swltches and perform baslc troubleshootlng Chapter 2 Introductlon to Swltchlng Concepts Descr1be the advantages of LAN segmentatlon Descrlbe LAN segmentatlon using bridges Descrlbe LAN segmentatlon uslng routers Descrlbe LAN segmentatlon uslng switches Name and descrlbe two switchlng methods Describe full and half duplex Ethernet operation Descrlbe TOken Rlng switchlng concepts Chapter 3 Virtual ams Deflne VLANs Name seven reasons to create VLANs Describe the role switches play ln the creation of VLANs Describe VLAN frame filterlng and VLAN frame tagging Descrlbe how switches can be used with hubs Name the five components of VLAN implementatlons Describe static and dynamlc VLANs Descrlbe the VLAN technologles Descrlbe Token mng VLANs Descrlbe Clscos VLAN architecture Chapter 4 Placlng Catalyst 5OOO Series Swltches lu Your Network Descrlbe demand nodes and resource nodes Describe conflguratlon rules fOr demand nodes and resource nodes Describe local resources and remote resources Descrlbe conflguratlon rules for local resources and remote resources Name five applicatlons for Catalyst 5OOO serles switches Chapter 5 Catalyst 5OOO Serles Swltch Descrlbe Catalyst 5OOO series switch product evolutlon Descrlbe Catalyst 5OOO product features Descrlbe Catalyst 5OO2 product features Descrlbe Catalyst 55OO product features Chapter 6 Catalyst 5OOO Serles Swltch Product Aschltecture Descrlbe the architecture and functlon of major components of the Catalyst 5OOO serles sWltch Trace a frames progress through a Catalyst 5OOO serles switch Cbapter 7 Catalyst 5OOO Serles Swltch Hardware Describe the hardware features, functlons, and benefits of Catalyst 5OOO serles switches Describe the hardware features and functlons of the Supervlsor engine Describe the hardware features and functions of the modules in the Catalyst 5OOO serles switches chapter 8 connguring catalyst 5ooo series swltches Prepare netWork connectlons Establlsh a serial connectlon Use the Catalyst 5OOO switch CLI cbapter 9 Managlug the cataiyst 5ooo series 8witch Famny Describe the different ways of managing the Catalyst 5OOO series switch ChaPter 1O triubleshootlng tbe Catalyst 5OOO Series Switches Troubleshoot the Catalyst 5OOO Series Switches ChaPter 11 Catalyst 5OoO Series Switch FDD1 Module Describe the major featMres and functlons of the Catalyst 5OOO FDDI /CDDI Module Describe IEEE 8O2 1O VLANs Conftgure the Catalyst 5OOO FDDI/CDDI Module ChaPter 12 Introductlon to ATM am Emulatlon Define LAN Emulatlon Describe the LAN Emulat1on components Describe the startup procedure of a LAN Emulatlon Cllent Describe how one LEC establlshes communlcatlon Wlth another LEC Dlscuss how internborklng ls achleved ln a LANE ellrtronment CbaPter l3 Cataiyst 5OOO Series Swltcb ATM WE Module Llst the features of the Catalyst 5OOO LANE module Outllne the performance ratlngs for the ATM bus and the switchlng bus Describe how to access the CLI for the LANE module Describe the Slmple Server Redundancy Protocol (SSRP) Cboter 14 Connyuhag the Cataiyst 5OOO Series Switch ATM W Module ExPlaln ATM address structure Describe how ATM addresses are automatlcally assmped Describe the rules for asslgnlng ATM components to lnterfaces Conflgure LANE components on a Catalyst 5OOO switch CbaPter l5 CataIyst 19OO and Cataty8t 282O Hardware Describe the maJor features and beneflts of the Catalyst 19OO and Catalyst 282O switches Describe the hardware components and thelr functlons of the Catalyst l9OO and CatalySt 282O switches Describe the archltecture ChaPter 16 Cataiyst 19OO and Cataly8t 282O Features Descr1be the fo1lowing key features and aPpllcatlons of the Catalyst l9OO and CatalySt 282O switches Trace a frames progress through a Catalyst l9OO or a CatalySt 282O switch Chapter l7 ConfigUring Catalyst l9OO and CataIyst 282O Switches Use the Catalyst l9OO and Cataly8t 282O switch menus for conflguraUon Confteure IP addresses and ports on the Catalyst l9OO and Catalyst 282O switches Conflgure VLANs on the Catalyst l9OO and Catalyst 282O switches Vlew the Catalyst l9OO and Catalyst 282O switch reports and summarles Conflgure the ATM LANE module on the Catalyst 282O switch Chapter l8 Catalyst 3OOO Serie8 Switches Describe Catalyst 3OOO series LAN switch products Describe Catalyst 3OOO series LAN switch product dlfferences Describe the Catalyst Stack System ChaPter 19 Coufiguring the Catalyst 3OOO Series Switcnes Perform lnltial setup of a Catalyst 3OOO series switch Conflgure the switch for management Confteure port parameters Conftgure VLANs and trunk llnks Confteure the ATM LANE module Perform basic router module confteuration ChaPter 2O Maintalning the Catalyst 19OO and Cataiyst 282O Switches Describe the POST and dlagnostlc messages on the Catalyst 19OO and Catalyst 282O switches Descrlbe the cabllng guldellnes for the Catalyst 19OO and Catalyst 282O switches Use the stat1stlcs and reports to malntaln the Catalyst 19OO and Catalyst 282O switches Descrlbe the flrmware upgrade procedures for the Catalyst 19OO and Catalyst 282O switches ChaPter 21 Troubleshooting the Catalyst 3OOO Series Switches Troubleshoot the Catalyst 3OOO serles switch subsystems Troubleshoot netWork lnterfaces and connectlons Use the switch LEDs to lsolate problems Isolate network segment problems