My main purpose in this book is to present a unified treatment of that part of measure theory which in recent years has shown itself to be most useful for its applications in modern analysis. If I have accomplished my purpose, then the book should be found usable both as a text for students and as a source of reference for the more advanced mathematician. I have tried to keep to a minimum the amount of new and unusual terminology and notation. In the few places where my nomenclature differs from that in the existing literature of measure theory, I was motivated by an attempt to harmonize with the usage of other parts of mathematics. There are, for instance, sound algebraic reasons for using the terms "lattice" and "ring" for certain classes of sets:reasons which are more cogent than the similarities that caused Hausdorff to use "ring" and "field."
Preface Acknowledgments SECTION 0.Prerequisites CHAPTER Ⅰ: SETS AND CLASSES 1. Set inclusion 2. Unions and intersections 3. Limits, complements, and differences 4. Rings and algebras 5. Generated rings and a-rings 6. Monotone classes CHAPTER Ⅱ: MEASURES AND OUTER MEASURES 7. Measure on rings 8. Measure on intervals 9. Properties of measures 10. Outer measures 11. Measurable sets CHAPTER Ⅲ: EXTENSION OF MEASURES 12. Properties of induced measures 13. Extension, completion, and approximation 14. Inner measures 15 Lebesgue measure 16. Non measurable sets CHAPTER Ⅳ: MEASURABLE FUNCTIONS 17. Measure spaces 18. Measurable functions 19. Combinations ofmeasurabie functions 20. Sequences of measurable functions 21. Fointwise convergence 22. Convergence in measure CHAPTER Ⅴ: INTEGRATION 23. Integrab]e slmp~e functions 24. Sequences of integrable simple functions 25. Integrable functions 26. Sequences ofintegrable functions 27. Properties of integrals CHApTEI Ⅵ: GENERAL SET fUNCTIOnS 28. Signed measures 29. Hahn and jordan decomposltions 30. Absolute continuity 31. The Radon-Nikodym theorem 32. Derlwtives of signed measures CHAPTER Ⅶ: PRODUCT SPACES 33. Carteslan products 34. Sections 35. Product measures 36. Fubini's theorem 37. Finite dimensional product spaces 38. Infinite dimensional product spaces CHAPTER Ⅷ: TRANSFOEMATIONS AND FUNCTION$ 39. Measurable transformations 40. Measure rings 41. The isomorphism theorem 42. Function spaces 43. Set functions and point functions CHAPTEK Ⅸ: PROBABILITY 44. Heurlstie introduction 45. Independence 46. Series of independent functions …… CHAPTER Ⅹ:LOCALLY COMPACT SPACES CHAPTER Ⅺ:HAAR MEALURS CHAPTER Ⅻ:MEASURE AND TOPOLOGY IN GROUPS References Bibliography List of frequently used symbols Index