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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術自然科學數(shù)學微分方程動態(tài)系統(tǒng)和混沌導論



定 價:¥55.00

作 者: (美)赫希、(美)斯梅爾
出版社: 世界圖書出版公司
標 簽: 幾何與拓撲

ISBN: 9787506282819 出版時間: 2007-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 24 頁數(shù): 417 字數(shù):  






CHAPTER 1 First-Order Equations
1.1 The Simplest Example
 1.2 The Logistic Population Model
 1.3 Constant Harvesting and Bifurcations
 1.4 Periodic Harvesting and Periodic Solutions
 1.5 Computing the Poincard Map
 1.6 Exploration:A Two-Parameter Family
CHAPTER 2 Planar Linear Systems
 2.1 Second-Order Differential Equations
 2.2 Planar Systems
 2.3 Preliminaries from Algebra
 2.4 Planar Linear Systems
 2.5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
 2.6 Solving Linear Systems
 2.7 The Linearity Principle
CHAPTER 3 Phase Portraits for Planar Systems
 3.1 Real Distinct Eigenvalues
 3.2 Complex Eigenvalues
 3.3 Repeated Eigenvalues
 3.4 Changing Coordinates
CHAPTER 4 Classification of Planar Systems
 4.1 The Trace-Determinant Plane
 4.2 Dynamical Classification
 4.3 Exploration:A 3D Parameter Space
CHAPTER 5 Higher Dimensional Linear Algebra
 5.1 Preliminaries from Linear Algebra
 5.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
 5.3 Complex Eigenvalues
 5.4 Bases and Subspaces
 5.5 Repeated Eigenvalues
 5.6 Genericity
CHAPTER 6 Higher Dimensional Linear Systems
 6.1 Distinct Eigenvalues
 6.2 Harmonic Oscillators
 6.3 Repeated Eigenvalues
 6.4 The Exponential of a Matrix
 6.5 Nonautonomous Linear Systems
CHAPTER 7 Nonlinear Systems
 7.1 Dynamical Systems
 7.2 The Existence and Uniqueness Theorem
 7.3 Continuous Dependence of Solutions
 7.4 The Variational Equation
 7.5 Exploration:Numerical Methods
CHAPTER 8 Equilibria in Nonlinear Systems
 8.1 Some Nustrative Examples
 8.2 Nonlinear Sinks and Sources
 8.3 Saddles
 8.4 Stability
 8.5 Bifurcations
 8.6 Exploration:Complex Vector Fields
CHAPTER 9 Global Nonlinear Techniques
 9.1 Nullclines
 9.2 Stability of Equilibria
 9.3 Gradient Systems
 9.4 Hamiltonian Systems
 9.5 Exploration:The Pendulum with Constant Forcing
CHAPTER 10 Closed Orbits and Limit Sets
 10.1 Limit Sets
 10.2 Local Sections and Flow Boxes
 10.3 The Poincare Map
 10.4 Monotone Sequences in Planar Dynamical Systems
 10.5 The Poincare-Bendixson Theorem
 10.6 Applications of Poincare-Bendixson
 10.7 Expl0ration:Chemical Reactions That Oscillate
CHAPTER 11 Applications in Biology
 11.1 Infectious Diseases
 11.2 Predator/Prey Systems
 11.3 Competitive Species
 11.4 Exploration:Competition and Harvesting
CHAPTER 12 Applications in Circuit Theory
 12.1 An RLC Circuit
 12.2 The Lienard Equation
 12.3 The van der Pol Equation
 12.4 A Hopf Bifurcation
 12.5 Exploration:Neurodynamics
CHAPTER 13 Applications in Mechanics
 13.1 Newton’S Second Law
 13.2 Conservative Systems
 13.3 Central Force Fields
 13.4 The Newtonian Central Force System
 13.5 Kepler’s First Law
 13.6 The Two-Body Problem
 13.7 Blowing Up the Singularity
 13.8 Exploration:Other Central Force Problems
 13.9 Exploration:Classical Limits of Quantum Mechanical Systems
CHAPTER 14 The Lorenz System
 14.1 Introduction to the Lorenz System
 14.2 Elementary Properties of the Lorenz System
 14.3 The Lorenz Attractor
 14.4 A Model for the Lorenz Attractor
 14.5 The Chaotic Attractor
 14.6 Exploration:The Rossler Attractor
CHAPTER 15 Discrete Dynamical Systems
 15.1 Introduction to Discrete Dynamical Systems
 15.2 Bifurcations
 15.3 The Discrete Logistic Model
 15.4 Chaos
 15.5 Symbolic Dynamics
 15.6 The Shift Map
 15.7 The Cantor Middle-Thirds Set
 15.8 Exploration:Cubic Chaos
 15.9 Exploration:The Orbit Diagram
CHAPTER 16 Homoclinic Phenomena
 16.1 The Shil’nikov System
 16.2 The Horseshoe Map
 16.3 The Double Scroll Attractor
 16.4 Homoclinic Bifurcations
 16.5 Exploration:The Chua Circuit
CHAPTER 17 Existence and Uniqueness Revisited
 17.1 The Existence and Uniqueness Theorem
 17.2 Proof of Existence and Uniqueness
 17.3 Continuous Dependence on Initial Conditions
 17.4 Extending Solutions
 17.5 Nonautonomous Systems
 17.6 Differentiability of the Flow


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