柏拉圖《理想國》、《政治家》、《法律篇》 Selections from Plato's Republic Selections from Plato's Statesman Selections from Plato's The Laws 亞里士多德《尼各馬可倫理學(xué)》、《政治學(xué)》 Selections from Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics Selections from Aristotle's The Politics 西塞德《論共和國》、《論法律》 Selections from Marcus Tullius Cicero's On the Commonwealth Selections from Marcus Tullius Cicero's On the Laws 阿奎那《神學(xué)大全》 Selections from St.Thomas Aquinas’Summa Theologica 馬基雅維里《君主論》 Selections from Niccolb Machiavelli's The Prince 霍布斯《利維坦》 Selections from Thomas Hobbes’Leviathan 洛克《政府論》(下篇) Selections from John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government(BookⅡ) 孟德斯鳩《論法的精神》 Selections from Baron de Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws 盧梭《社會契約論》 Selections from Jean Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract 潘恩《常識》、《林中居民的信札》、《人權(quán)論》 Selections from Thomas Paine's Common Sense Selections from Thomas Paine's The ForesteCs Letters Selections from Thomas Paine's Rights of Man 漢密爾頓、杰伊、麥迪遜《聯(lián)邦黨人文集》 Selections from Alexander Hamilton,John Jay & James Madison's The Federalist Papers 康德《法的形而上學(xué)原理》 Selections from Immanuel Kant's The Metaphysics of Morals 黑格爾《法哲學(xué)原理》 Selections from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Philosophy ot Right 奧斯丁《法理學(xué)講義》 Selections from John Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence 梅因《古代法》 Selections from Henry Sumner Maine's Ancient Law