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作 者: 仲偉合,劉巖 主編
出版社: 上海外語教育出版社
標 簽: 國家


ISBN: 9787544604178 出版時間: 2007-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 0開 頁數(shù): 444 字數(shù):  


  This books features 40 essays carefully selected from the papers submitted to“Rereading Britain Today” (Nov.12-15, 2004), the 2nd internatioial conference organized by the Faculty of English Language and Cultture, GDUFS and co-sponsored by the British Council.Theseessays are grouped into 5 parts, namely “British Fiction: New Readings of Classics”,“British Poetry and Drama: Certainties and Ambiguities”,“British Society: Now and Then”,“British Popular Culture: Strategies visa -vis Changes”, and“British Literature and Culture in China:Affinities and Differences”.They carry reflecuons on British literary and cultural texts from a variety of perspectives, including gender, postcolonial,archetypal sociological, linguistic, translation studies and cultural studies.They address such issues as ethnicity, gender relations, identily (political,social and cultural), politics, education, mass media and translation,covering major concerns and debates in the academia on the new understandings of classics and the interpretation of contemporary cultural phenomena in Britain.




PartⅠ. British Fiction: New Readings of Classics
 Passions and Betrayals: A Postcolonial Rereading of T. E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom
 In Search of Lost Romance -- On the Emotional Life of Stevens in The Remains of the Day
 The Troubled Self: A Study of Gender Relations in D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers
 From Mrs. Dalloway to The Hours : Rethinking the Relations Between Women and Feminism
 A Comparative Study on "Clay" and "Miss Brill"
 Anti-Colonialism in Heart of Darkness
 A Metaphorical Reading of E.M. Forster's A Passage to India
 Rereading Britain Anthology: Jane Austen, "Englishness" and Authorship-as-sign
 An Archetypal Reading of Tess
 Desire and Disillusionment -- A Lacanian Reading of Jude the Obscure
 Determinism in Eliot's The Mill on the Floss
 Australia: a Promising Land in Victorian Novels
PartⅡ. British Poetry and Drama: Certainties and Ambiguities
 Being Female and Being a Poet: Unique Territories and Concerns of Women's Poetry
 Imagery in Shakespeare's Sonnets
 God, Imagination & Crow -- The Revisional God in the Poems of Blake and Hughes
 The Dubious Identity of Ruth in Pinter's The Homecoming
 The Use of Brecht's A-effect in Churchill's Cloud Nine
 The Success of a Non-drama as Drama: The Concrete & Conscious Expression of Existentialism in Waiting for Godot
 George Bernard Shaw's Representation of Women -- A Feminist Reading of Mrs. Warren's Profession
PartⅢ. British Society: Now and Then
 Englishness, Hybridity and Postcolonial Britain
 Cohabitation in Britain
 V.S. Naipaul's Changing England in The Enigma of Arrival
 Rereading the Scottish National Identity Through the William Wallace Tales
 Strategic Communications -- A Case Study of Labour Victory in the '97 General Election
 The Recent Developments in the Teaching and Learning of UK Higher Education Institutions
PartⅣ. British Popular Culture: Strategies vis-A-vis Changes
 The Singularity of the English Sense of Humour
 Celebrity, Reality and Surveillance: Contemporary Trends in British Popular Culture with Special Reference to TV
 Very Un-British Films: Michael Winterbottom and the Cinema of Incompatibility Bruce Benne
 The Full Monty: Reaction to or against Feminism?
 Continuity and Change British Working-class Screen Image in the 1990s
 BBC's Dilemma in a Globalized Media Market
 Internet Censorship in the United Kingdom -- The Role of Self-regulation
PartⅤ. British Literature and Culture in China: Affinities and Differences
 Teaching Shakespeare in Chinese Universities
 The Changing Face of the Teaching Profession:Motivating Students Attending the British Culture Survey Course
 An Empirical Study of Teaching English Literature to
 Non-English Majors in China
 "Accomplished with That We Lack": Female Cross-Dressing on the Stage
Different Attitudes Towards Life in Endgame and Chinese Works
In Bed with Tracey Emin and Mu Zimei -- Pleasure and Jouissance in the Consumption of Cultural Forms
Translation of Wilde's Salome in the Republic of China (1912 - 1949)-- Investigating Enlightenment
Holmes in China -- Impact of Translated British Detective Fiction on Chinese Literature in Late Qing Dynasty
About the Authors


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