Chapter One Introduction
1.0 Preliminary Remarks
1.1 Motivation of the Study
1.2 Objective of the Study
1.3 Research Methodology
1.4 Organization of the Book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.0 Preliminary Remarks
2.1 Philosophical Background
2.2 Psychological and Psycholinguistic Studies
2.3 Conventional Linguistic Studies
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Conceptualization of Causative Constructions
3.0 Preliminary Remarks
3.1 Experiential Basis of the Mapping of Causative Constructions
3.2 Summary
Chapter Four Subjectification of Causative Constructions
4.0 Preliminary Remarks
4.1 Fundamental Ideas of Subjectification
4.2 Subjectification of Causative Constructions
4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Metaphorization of Causative Constructions
5.0 Preliminary Remarks
5.1 Metaphorization of Causative Constructions
5.2 Summary
Chapter Six Grammaticalization of Causatives and Causative Constructions
6.0 Preliminary Remarks
6.1 Grammaticalization of Causative Auxiliaries and
6.2 Summary
Chapter Seven Idealized Cognitive Model of Causative Constructions
7.0 Preliminary Remarks
7.1 Prototype Theory and Idealized Cognitive Model
7.2 Prototypical Effect of Causative Words
7.3 Idealized Cognitive Model of Causative Constructions
7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion and Implication
8.0 Preliminary Remarks
8.1 Original Findings of the Current Research
8.2 Implications of the Current Research
8.3 Limitations of the Current Research and Suggestions for Future Studies