序言 曹晉 趙月枝
Part One: Historical Origins and Theoretical Foundations
1. Theories of Communication and Theories of Society
Peter GoldingGraham Murdock
2. The Legacy of Robert A. Brady: Antifascist Origins of the Political Economy
of Communications
Dan Schiller
3. The Frankfurt School and the Political Economy of Communications
Ronald V. Bettig
4. Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism
Dallas W. Smythe
5. “Introduction” to Who Knows: Information in the Age of Fortune 500
Herbert I. Schiller
6. “Introduction” to I(xiàn)nformation and the Crisis Economy
Herbert I. Schiller
7. Reconstructing the Ruined Tower: Contemporary Communications and Questions of Class
Graham Murdock
8. The Information Commodity: A Preliminary View
Dan Schiller
9. The Political Economy Approach: A Critical Challenge
Oscar H. Gandy, Jr.
10. Political Economy, Communication, and Labor
Vincent Mosco
11. Political Economy, Power and New Media
Robin Mansell
Part Two: Methodological Considerations and Disciplinary Dialogues
12. Abstracted Empiricism
C. Wright Mills
13. Media Sociology: The Dominant Paradigm
Todd Gitlin
14. The Rediscovery of “Ideology”: Return of the Repressed in Media Studies
Stuart Hall
15. Rethinking Political Economy: Change and Continuity
Eileen R. Meehan Vincent Mosco Janet Wasko
16. Not Yet the PostImperialist Era
Herbert I. Schiller
17. The Political Economy of Communication and the Future of the Field
Robert W. McChesney
Part Three: The Power of Advertising and the Making of the Audience Commodity
18. Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse
Sut Jhally
19. The Restructuring of the European Advertising Industry
Armand Mattelart
20. Capitalism and Control of the Press
James Curran
21. Advertising and the Content of a Democratic Press
C. Edwin Baker
22. Gendering the Commodity Audience: Critical Media Research, Feminism, and Political Economy
Eileen R. Meehan
23. Race, Ethnicity and the Segmentation of Media MarketsOscar H. Gandy, Jr.
Part Four: Ownership and Control in the AngloAmerican Contexts: Capital, the State, and Other Social Forces
24. The Process of Legitimation-Ⅱ
Ralph Miliband
25. A Propaganda Model
Edward HermanNoam Chomsky
26. Extending and Refining the Propaganda Model
Colin Sparks
27. Large Corporations and the Control of the Communications Industries
Graham Murdock
28. The Publishing Industry
Mark Crispin Miller
29. Speaking Volumes: The Book Publishing Oligopoly and Its Cultural Consequences
Leah F. Binder
30. Government Financial Support to the Film Industry in the United States
Thomas Guback
31.The New Theology of the First Amendment: Class Privilege over Democracy
Robert W. McChesney
32. Copyright and the Commodification of Culture
Ronald V. Bettig
33. Stealth Regulation: Moral Meltdown and Political Radicalism at the Federal
Communications Commission
Andrew Calabrese
34. Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Media PolicyMaking
Des Freedman
35. Commercialism and Professionalism in the American News Media
Daniel C. Hallin
36. The Hidden Side of Television Violence
George Gerbner
Part Five:International Perspectives: The Global, and National, and Local Dynamics of Capitalist Integration
37. The Context: Great Media Debate
Kaarle Nordenstreng
38. The Processes: From Nationalisms to Transnationals
Jésus MartínBarbero
39. Communication and the Postcolonial NationState: A New Political Economic Research Agenda
Amin Alhassan
40. Who Speaks for Asia: Media and Information Control in the Global Economy
Gerald SussmanJohn A. Lent
41. Global Productions
Gerald SussmanJohn A. Lent
42. Political Economy and Ethnography: Transformations in an Indian Village
Manjunath Pendakur
43. A Contemporary “Denial of Access”: Knowledge, IPR and the Public Good
Pradip Thomas
Part Six: Sites, Agents and Processes of Transformation
44. Rethinking Media and Democracy
James Curran
45. Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism
Nick Witheford
46. For a Political Economy of Indymedia Practice
Bob Hanke
47. Global Commons, Public Space and Contemporary IPR
Lawrence Liang
48. Who Speaks for the Governed? World Summit on Information Society, Civil Society and the Limits of “Multistakeholderism”
Paula Chakravartty