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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史文物考古中國青銅器的奧秘(英)



定 價:¥188.00

作 者: 李學勤 著
出版社: 外文出版社
叢編項: 中國傳統(tǒng)文化
標 簽: 文物


ISBN: 9787119048703 出版時間: 2007-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 213 字數:  


  Chinese bronzes were not only the daily utensils,work tools and weapons of the people of ancient times,but also exquisite works of master craftsmen which have been handed down from generation to generation.Their beautifui forms.Elaborate decoratipns and the moving stories that were cast on them have attracted the attention and aroused the Interest of lovers of bronzes at home and abroad.This book,copiously illustrated rwith colour pictures and sketches.Isrecom mended to readers who wish to explore the wonder of Chinese bronzes.In Ianguage comprehensible to the layman,it supplies a basic knowledge on Chinese bronze art:its origin Chinese bronzes were not only the daily utensils,work tools and weapons of the people of ancient times,but also exquisite works of master craftsmen which have been handed down from generation to generation.Their beautifuI forms.Elaborate decoratipns and the moving stories that were cast on them have attracted the attention and aroused the Interest of lovers of bronzes at home and abroad.This book,copiously illustrated rwith colour pictures and sketches.Isrecom mended to readers who wish to explore the wonder of Chinese bronzes.In ianguage comprehensible to the layman,it supplies a basic knowledge on Chinese bronze art:its origin periods of development and its value a regards the study of ancient history and an cient script The author is a specialist who has personally participated in many major archaeologicaI excavations and researched into this subject for many years.And in this book he reports on the latest results of the study and excavations of Chinese bronzes.Periods of development and its value a regards the study of ancient history and an cient script.The author is a specialist who has personally participated in many major archaeologicai excavations and researched into this subject for many years.And in this book he reports on the latest results of the study and excavations of Chinese bronzes.


  Li Xueqin,was born in March 1933 in Beijing where he studied philosophy in Tsinghua University.He began his academic career in 1952,when he took part in editing Collation of the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of the Yin Ruins under the auspices of the Institute of Archaeol-ogy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Since 1954,he has worked in the Institute of History of the academy.He is now director of the Insti-tute of History.He is concurrently professor of several institutions of higher learning,includ-ing the Northwest China University and Nankai University; honorary professor of an overseas Chinese university in Thailand; and director-general of the China Society of Pre-Qin History.His major works include: A Simple Geography of the Yin Dynasty(1959),The Wonder of Chi-nese Bronzes(1980),Eastern Zhou and Qin Civilizations(1985),Complete Works of Chi-nese Fine Arts: Bronzes(1985-86),and A Study of the Newly Found Bronzes(1990).


The Origin of Chinese Bronzes
Classification of Bronzes
"The Earth Cherishes No Treasure"
A Long History of Development
Testaments of Ancient History
From Pictographs to Seal and Clerical Scripts
Myth and Reality
Technique of Bronze Casting
Characteristics of Fine Arts
Bronze Mirrors, Belt Hooks, Seals and Coins
The Spread of Culture and Cultural Exchange
Endless New Discoveries
Chronology of Chinese Dynasties
Reigning Periods of the Later Shang, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou Dynasties


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