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ICCR 2008第四屆國際低溫與制冷工程大全(英文版)

ICCR 2008第四屆國際低溫與制冷工程大全(英文版)

定 價:¥240.00

作 者: Wang Ruzhu and Zhang Peng 編
出版社: Science Press Beijing
標(biāo) 簽: 一般工業(yè)技術(shù)

ISBN: 9787030212702 出版時間: 2008-05-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16 頁數(shù): 999 pages 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  PrefaceOn behalf of the International Scientific and Technical Committee, and also the local Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome you to attend the International Conference on Cryogenics & Refrigeration ( ICCR’ 2008). ICCR is a conference sponsored by the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), ICCR’ 2008 is honored to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of IIR in 2008. The International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration (ICCR) had been successfully held in Zhejiang University (ZJU) in Hangzhou, China for three times in 1989, 1998 and 2003, respectively. The purpose of this conference is to stimulate the fruitful exchange of information and ideas in cryogenics, refrigeration and other related topics. Starting from ICCR’ 2003, the ICCR had become a joint program of Shangtai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and ZJU and it was decided to make ICCR a series conference every 5 years with location in Hangzhou and Shanghai respectively. The Fourth International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration (ICCR’ 2008) was planed to be held on April 5-9, 2008 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China.As is clear that China is already the biggest manufacturer of HVAC & R, a lot of international well-known companies have their companies and research centers in China now. The local Chinese companies have been growing up in recent years. There are about 150 universities involved in education of refrigeration and HVAC in China. All these give you the reason to attend ICCR.Shanghai Jiao Tong University is happy to have a strong Institute of Refrigeration & Cryogenics with 16 full professors and 30 faculty members, and about 180 graduate students. The research area covers refrigeration, cryogenics, HVAC, solar energy and other energy related topics. The institute was moved from the Xujiahui old campus to Minhang new campus in 2006. We are happy to welcome all the participants in the new campus and new laboratory buildings.ICCR is also co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR), National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), Ministry of Education (MOE). The financial support from Daikin, Heatcraft, Trane and Sumitomo Heavy Industry has helped ICCR’2008 a lot. We are also very grateful to the financial support from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Education Development Foundation.The ICCR’2008 proceedings includes nearly 200 papers ( with 6 plenary lectures and 9 keynote lectures). The ICCR’2008 will provide a unique opportunity to meet international expertsand research teams working in Refrigeration, Cryogenics and HVAC.We hope that ICCR’ 2008 will be fruitful for you. We are happy to meet you in Shanghai!Wang Ruzhu Zhang Peng


暫缺《ICCR 2008第四屆國際低溫與制冷工程大全(英文版)》作者簡介


 Recent Advances on Cryogenic and Superconducting Technologies in China Zhou Y
 Status and Recent Trends in Cryocooler Research Radebaugh R
 Application of Visualization Technique to Cryogenic Thermo-fluid Mechanics Research Murakami M
 New Frontiers for HVAC&R Bullard C W
 Research on Natural Gas Liquefaction Technology for the Hammerfest LNG Plant Pettersen J, Bredesen A M, Neksa P
 Development of the High-efficiency Heat Pump Two-stage Compression System for the Cold Area
Yamarnura S, Zhong M Keynote
 Development and Application of Low Frequency Pulse Tube Cryocoolers Wang C
 Thermally Driven Thermoacoustic Refrigeration and Its Recent Progress Luo E C, Dai W, Hu J Y
 Performance and Stability of Automotive Air Conditioning System with a Variable Displacement Compressor Li X T , Tian C Q
 LNG Onshore Distribution a Growing Segment of the LNG Technology Chrz V
 HFC161 and Its Mixtures as Alternative Refrigerants Chen G M, Han X H
 Constraints of Adsorption Cooling Cycles Working at Partial Vacuum and Pressurized Conditions
Bidyut Baran Saha , Ibrahim I El-sharkawy , Anutosh Chakraborty,Shigeru Koyama
 Boiling Heat Transfer of Liquid Nitrogen in Mini- and Micro-scale Configurations Zhang P
 Low Vibration 4K Two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler Xu M Y, Takayama H, Yamanouchi H
 The Innovative Design Methodology for Globalized Refrigeration Product Wang L
B.Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
C.Energy and Utilization
D.Interdisciplinary Novel Techniqnes


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