1 Applications and Consequences of Psychological Testing TOPIC 1A The Nature and Uses of Psychological Testing The Consequences of Testing Definition of a Test Case Exhibit 1.1·True-Life Vignettes of Testing Further Distinctions in Testing Types of Tests Uses of Testing Factors Influencing the Soundness of Testing Case Exhibit 1.2·The Impact of Nonstandard Testing Standardized Procedures in Test Administration Desirable Procedures of Test Administration Influence of the Examiner Background and Motivation of the Examinee Summary Key Terms and Concepts TOPIC 1B Ethical and Social Implications of Testing The Rationale for Professional Testing Standards Responsibilities of Test Publishers Case Exhibit 1.3·Ethical and Professional Quandaries in Testing Responsibilities of Test Users Case Exhibit 1.4·Overzealous Interpretation of the MMPI Testing of Cultural and Linguistic Minorities Unintended Effects of High-Stakes Testing Reprise: Responsible Test Use Summary Key Terms and Concepts 2 The History of Psychological Testing TOPIC 2A The Origins of Psychological Testing The Importance of Testing Rudimentary Forms of Testing in China in 2200 B.C. Psychiatric Antecedents of Psychological Testing Physiognomy, Phrenology, and the Psychograph The Brass Instruments Era of Testing Changing Conceptions of Mental Retardation in the 1800s Influence of Binet’s Early Research on His Test Binet and Testing for Higher Mental Processes The Revised Scales and the Advent of IQ Summary Key Terms and Concepts …… 3 Norms and Reliability 4 Validity and Test Development 5 Theories and Individual Tests of Intelligence and Achievement 6 Group Tests and Controversies in Ability Testing 7 Testing Special Populations 8 Origins of Personality Testing 9 Structured Assessment of Personality and Other Qualities 10 Neuropsychological Assessment and Screening 11 Industrial, Occupational, and Forensic Assessment 12 Legal Issues and the Future of Testing APPENDIX A Major Landmarks in the History of Psychological Testing APPENDIX B Test Publisher Addresses APPENDIX C Major Tests and Their Publishers APPENDIX D Standard and Standardized-Score Equivalents of Percentile Ranks in a Normal Distribution Glossary References Name Index Subject Index