Mr. Kong Jiangping obtained his bachelor degree of English Language and Literature at Zhengzhou University in 1981, his master degree of Linguistics and Phonetics at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1988, and his PhD degree of Language Engineering at the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong in 2001. From 2003, he worked as a professor of phonetics at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. His research interests cover phonation types of languages, models of speech voice quality and oral cultural phenomenon in China. His book On Language Phonation (in Chinese) was published in 2001.
Foreword Preface Acknowledgement Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Aim of This Book 1.2 Study of Vocal Vibration through High-Speed Motion Picture 1.3 Anatomy of Larynx 1.4 Contents of This Book Chapter 2 Image Processing and Parameter Extraction 2.1 Image Processing 2.1.1 Parameters of HSDI System and File Formats 2.1.2 Subjects and Samples 2.1.3 Image Contrast Adjustment, Rotation and Cropping 2.1.4 Glottal Area Detection 2.1.5 Image Shift Adjustment 2.2 Parameter Extraction 2.2.1 Types of Dynamic Glottis 2.2.2 Modes of Parameter Extraction 2.2.3 Parameter Extraction 2.3 Accuracy of Signal Processing and Detection of Phonation Types Chapter 3 Modal Voices 3.1 Modal Voice 3.1.1 Case 1 (niimi601) 3.1.2 Case 2 (kaku01) 3.1.3 Case 3 (konn01) 3.1.4 Case 4 (kyu05) 3.1.5 Case 5 (tou02) 3.1.6 Case 6 (kudo01) 3.1.7 Case 7 (mats01) 3.1.8 Case 8 Processed in Leakage Mode (kimu01) 3.1.9 Case 8 Processed in Open Mode (kimu01) 3.2 Modal Voice with High and Low Pitches 3.2.1 Case 9 (konn02) 3.2.2 Case 10 Processed in Leakage Mode (kaku02) 3.2.3 Case 10 Processed in Open Mode (kaku02) 3.2.4 Case 11 Processed in Leakage Mode (kimu02) 3.2.5 Case 11 Processed in Open Mode (kimu02) 3.2.6 Case 12 (mats02) 3.2.7 Case 13 (yana03) 3.2.8 Case 14 (kaku04) 3.2.9 Case 15 (yana02) 3.2.10 Case 16 (iwamo03) 3.3 Properties of Modal Voices 3.3.1 Properties of Modal Voice 3.3.2 Properties of Modal Voices with High and Low Pitches Chapter 4 Special Voices 4.1 Falsetto and Vocal Fry 4.1.1 Case 17 (niim04) 4.1.2 Case 18 (kudo02) 4.1.3 Case 19 (kaku03) 4.1.4 Case 20 (mats03) 4.1.5 Case 21 (kimu03) …… Chapter 5 Voices with Gliding Pitch and in Tones of Mandarin Chapter 6 Nature of Glottis Chapter 7 Statistical Analysis Chapter 8 Model of Dynamic Glottis Chapter 9 Synthesis of Glottal Source Chapter 10 Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Research List of Figure List of Table Abbreviation Bibliography