第一部分 GRE寫作總論 I. GRE作文考試概述 II. GRE作文評分標準 III. GRE作文考試復習策略 IV. 中國考生Issue寫作存在的問題 VI. Issue寫作備策略 VI. Argument寫作建議和備考策略 第二部分 Issue寫作和語言修改 Issue1: Nonmainstream Areas and Human Needs Issue2: Attitudes Towards Two Types Of Laws Issue3: Should Teachers Be Equally paid? Issue4: Greater Emphasis on the Intellect? Issue5: Rely on Themselves or People They Serve? Issue6: Should All Faculty Work Outsides the Academic World? Issue7: Necessary to Withhold Information from the public?-No Issue8: Education Does Little to Promote Social Harmony? Issue9: Different Regions,Different Academic Courses? Issue10: Are Luxuries and Conveniences Harmful? Issue11: Society and Indicidual Citixens Issue12: Way to Understand Contemporary Culture 第三部分 Argument寫作和語言修改 Argument1: A Sales Study on the Consumption of the Seafood Argument2: A Letter to the Editor on the Establishment of Lottery Argument3: A Letter to the Editor on Switch of Trash Collector Argument4: A Letter on the Ticket Sales of a Rock Band Argument5: A Memo from A Food-distribution Company Argument6: A Memorandum from Srategic Development of Mesa Argument7: A Memo form a Vice President of Alta Manufacturing Argument8: An Article on the Effectiveness of Luxess Argument9: An Article on Choices of Law Firm Sizes 第四部分 GRE寫作語匯