西安概況 Brief Introduction 一、城區(qū)景點 1.大雁塔 The Dayan Pagoda 1.1 概況 Brief IntrOdLiction 1.2 玄奘 Xuarlzang 1.3 雁塔題名 lnsctiptiotl on the Dayatl Pagoda 2.小雁塔 The XJaoyan Pagoda 3.城墻 The Cify Wall 4.陜西歷史博物館 The Shaahxi History Museum 4.1 概況 Brief l rltrodtJction 4.2 史前時期展室 The Exhibition Hall of the Prehistoric Age 4.3 周朝展室 The Exhibition Hall of the Zhou Dyrlasty 4.4 秦朝展室 The Exhibition Hall of the Qin Dynasty 4.5 漢朝展室 The Exhibition HalI of the Han Dynasty 4.6 魏晉南北朝展室 The Exhibition Hall of the Dynasties of the Wei,the Jin, the South and North 4.7 隋唐展室 The Exhibition Hall of the Sui and the Tang Dynasties. 4.8 宋元明清展室 The Exhibition Hall of the Dynasties of the Song,the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing 5.鐘樓 The Bell lower 6.青龍寺 The Qinglong Temple 7.西安碑林博物館 The Forest of Stone Tablets Museum 7.1 概況 Brief 0ntroduction 7. 碑林 The Forest of Stone Tablets 7.3 墓志廊 The Corridors of Epitaphs 7.4 石刻藝術(shù)室 The Showroom of Stone ScuIptures 8.楊虎城紀(jì)念館 The Mansion House of Yang Hucheng 9.清真大寺 The Great Mosque 10.唐大明宮遺址 Tangs Daming PalaceI 11.大興善寺 The Daxingshan Temple
二、東線旅游 1.秦始皇兵馬俑博物館 The Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses 1.1 概況 Brief Introduction 1.2 一號坑 Pit 1 1.3 二號坑 Pit 2 1.4 三號坑 Pit 3 1.5 兵馬俑的制作 The Making of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses 1.6 秦代兵器 The Qin weapons 1.7 銅車馬 The Bronze Chariots and Horses 2.秦始皇陵 The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 3.華清池 Huaqing Pool 3.1 概況 Brief Introduction 3.2 飛霜殿 The Feishuang Hall 3.3 溫泉水源 The Source of the Hot Springs 3.4 烽火臺 The Beacon Tower 4.半坡遺址 The Banpo Ruins 4.1 概況 Brief Introduction 4.2 老子祠 LaoziS Shrine 4.3 煉丹爐 The Liandan Furnace 4.4 說經(jīng)臺 The Shuojing Platform 4.5 宗圣宮遺址 The Remains of the Zongsheng Palace 5.草堂寺 The Caotang Temple 五、北線旅游 1.乾陵 The Qianling Mausoleum 1.1 概況 Brief Introduction 1.2 乾陵 The Qianling Mausoleum、 1.3 無字碑 The Wuzi Tablet. 1.4 六十一尊王賓像 The 61 Stone Statues 2.昭陵博物館 The Zhaoling Museum 2.1 概況 Brief Introduction 2.2 第一陳列室 Exhibition Room 0ne 2.3 第二陳列室 Exhibition Room Two 3.昭陵 The Zhaoling Mausoleum 4.壺口瀑布 The Hukou Waterfall 六、西安民俗 1.秦腔 The Shaanxi Opera 2.唐三彩復(fù)制品 The Tri—colored Glazed PoMery. 3.臨潼火晶柿子 The Lintong Huoiing Persimmon 4.黃桂柿子餅 The Huanggui Persimmon Pancake 5.臨潼石榴 The Lintong Pomegranate 6.水晶餅 The Shuijing Pancake 7.牛羊肉泡饃 The Shredded Pancake in Muflon or Beef Soup 8.甑糕 The Zenggao 9.葫蘆頭 The Hulutou 參考文獻