序言Preface 目錄Contents 概述Summary 1.陶片 Yellow sandy pottery sherd 2.彩陶盆 Fine red pottery basin with black painted stylized flower motif on the belly 3.小口雙唇尖底瓶 Fine gray pottery bottle with pointed base,small double-lipped mouth rim,and incised décor 4.圜底雙耳罐 Fine red pottery jar with rounded base,two loop-lugs,and brown-painted repeated triangular-shaped motifs 5.雙耳罐 Fine gray pottery jar with two loop-lugs 6.高領(lǐng)雙耳罐 Fine red pottery jar with two loop-lugs,basin-shaped mouth,and bulbousbelly 7.矮領(lǐng)橫雙耳罐 Fine red pottery jar in truncated shape with two loop-lugs,straight and short collar,and bulbous belly 8.直領(lǐng)罐 Fine gray pottery jar with two loop-lugs and straight collar 9.高領(lǐng)壺 Sandy brown pottery with straight neck and bulbous belly 10.雙腹盆 Fine gray pottery vat with everted mouth and pointed base 11.深腹盆 Fine brownish gray pottery vat with straight neck and two loop-lugs 12.彩繪直口盆 Fine brown pottery basin with yellow and red painted geometric motifs 13.彩繪斂口盆 Fine brown pottery basin with yellow and red painted geometric motifs 14.短柄矮圈足豆 Sandy gray pottery stem bowl (dou) with incised lines on the base 15.粗高柄圈足豆 Sandy brownish-gray pottery stem bowl 16.細(xì)高柄圈足豆 Shell-tempered sandy brown pottery stem bowl 17.盆式豆 Sandy reddish-brown pottery stem bowl 18.彩繪豆 Sandy pottery stem bowl with black slip,reddish clay body,and red painted décor 19.陶瓢形器 Fine red pottery handled water pot 20.人形雙耳壺 Fine gray pottery cylindrical container in human shape 21.袋足繩紋鬲 Fine red pottery tripod container (li) with cord marks 22.鏤空高柄陶豆 Fine gray pottery stem dish with impressed radiating streaks on the outer surface 23.卵形三足甕 Fine gray pottery vessel in egg shape with three short pointed legs 24.彩繪筒形鬲 Fine gray pottery tripod container (li) with red and black painted geo-metric design on a yellow ground 25.彩繪高領(lǐng)鬲 Fine gray pottery li tripod with red and black painted geometric design on a yellow ground 26.磨光黑陶筒形鬲 Black-slipped li tripod 27.折肩陶鬲 Fine brown pottery li with carinated shoulder 28.彩繪陶尊 Fine gray pottery vat (zun) with everted mouth and deep belly 29.彩繪陶簋 Fine gray pottery gui tureen with red and black designs on yellow ground 30.繩紋陶鬲 Sandy gray pottery li with im-pressed streaks on the belly 31.陶鼎 Fine gray pottery tripod vessel (ding) with three reclining rams on the cover and animal mask appliqués on the upper part of the legs 32.彩繪陶鼎 Fine gray pottery ding with two vertical handles and red painted design 33.夾砂夾蚌紅陶鬲 Fine red pottery li with shell-tempered clay body and impressed cord décor 34.陶鬲 Sandy gray pottery li with side flanges 35.彩繪方座兔耳陶簋 Fine gray pottery gui tureen on a square stand 36.陶豆 Fine black pottery dou with short stem and carved grooves on the exterior of the bowl 37.細(xì)高柄圈足豆 Fine gray pottery dou with long stem and lid 38.高柄小口壺 Fine gray pottery dou with long stem and lid 39.陶方壺 Fine gray pottery square vase with appliqué tigers and animal masks (pushou) holding rings in their mouths,surface décor painted in red 40.彩繪陶鼎 Fine gray pottery ding with band motifs painted in red on a white slip ……