編者序 一、王國維 書辜氏湯生英譯《中庸》后 二、林語堂 On the Method of Translation 三、呂叔湘 《中詩英譯比錄》序 四、楊憲益 略談我從事翻譯工作的經(jīng)歷與體會 五、許淵沖 談李商隱詩的英、法譯 六、許國璋 Code and Transmission in Cross-Cultural Discourse 七、余石屹 What Is Sinological Translation? 八、ARTHUR WALEY Notes on Translation 九、BURTON WATSON Some Remarks on Early Chinese Historical Works 十、劉紹銘 以一人“譯”一國 十一、DAVID KNECHTGES Problems of Translating Descriptive Binomes in the Fu 十二、STEPHEN OWEN A Note on Translation 十三、ANDRé LEFEVERE Translation as the Creation of Images or “Excuse Me, Is This the Same Poem?” 十四、ROGER HART Translating the Untranslatable: From Copula to Incommensurable Worlds 十五、余石屹 翻譯與全球化:漢學翻譯的跨文化批評方法初探 十六、余石屹 Translation as Participation