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《辨法法性論》研究(第2卷 英文)

《辨法法性論》研究(第2卷 英文)

定 價:¥65.50

作 者: (美)羅伯遜 譯著
出版社: 中國藏學出版社
叢編項: 漢藏佛學研究叢書
標 簽: 佛教


ISBN: 9787802530423 出版時間: 2008-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 669 字數(shù):  


  本書為羅拔臣先生(Raymond E.Robertson)撰譯四部研究《辨法法性論》(Dharmadharmatdvibhahga)之系列專著中的第二部。本書承接上一部研究本論所依之大乘經,集中討論《辨法法性論》的論義,以及世親(Vasubandhu)釋論對理論本論的重要性。由此引伸本書“導論”部分所涉及的討論范圍,即包括瑜伽行派古學(或稱“彌勒瑜伽行”Maitreyan Yogacara)的傳統(tǒng)、“轉依”(醚rayapariv.rtti)的義理、瑜伽行古學對“三自性”(trisvabhava)的抉擇、本論所說“本性清凈,客塵所染”之“法性”(dharmata)義與如來藏(tathhgatagarbha)學說的關涉,以至藏土的“大中觀”(dbu ma chen po)學說如何延展瑜伽行古學的傳承、本論的各種西藏譯本、及世親釋論與藏地論師釋論的比較。本書第二章.討論藏傳佛教格魯派(dGe lugs pa)及印度哲學家Bimal Krishna Matilal如何誤解瑜伽行派的教法為“唯心主義”。并依《解深密經》(Samdhinirmocanastitra)及瑜伽行派諸論澄清此等曲解。書中第三章為羅拔臣先生對世親釋論的英文譯注:第四章,則由邵頌雄把談錫永上師依自宗寧瑪派(rNying ma pa)見地對世親釋論的疏釋譯為英文,附于世親釋論之后。羅拔臣先生認為談錫永上師的疏解,與世親、絨師.所知普明(Ron2 ston shes bvakun rig)及不敗勝海(Mi pham rgya mtsho)的闡釋一脈相承,而與格魯派賢慧馬鳴(Blo bzang rta dbyangs)的注解迥異。本書最后一章.??备鞣N版本(北京版、德格版、奈塘版、卓尼版、噶丹版)中三種《辨法法性論》論頌的藏譯.甚具學術參考價佰。


暫缺《《辨法法性論》研究(第2卷 英文)》作者簡介


Editors' Preface
1.Introduction to the Dharmadharmatdvibhahga of Maitreya
1.1 The texts: the root-text and its commentaries
1.2 The Maitreyan tradition
1.3 Historical perspective
1.4 The transformation of basis (Skt.d,(rayapariv!'tti)
1.5 The Dharmadharmatdvibhahga does not mention the three constitutive principles (Skt.trisvabhdva)
1.6 In Maitreyan Yogacara unreal pervasive conceptualization is to be eliminated, not transformed
1.7 Primordial loss of intrinsic awareness and it reinstitution
1.8 Adventitious defilement and its removal
1.9 The transformation of basis of Maitreyan Yogacfira and Tathfigatagarbha differs from that of Asafiga
1.10 Maitreyan Yogacara goes beyond Tathagatagarhha, but not in the direction of Vijfnanavada
1.11 Summary of the Dharmadharmatdvibhaviga's message of the transformation of basis (Skt.drayapariv.rtti)
1.12 The Dharmadharmatdvibha~ga belongs to the Tibetan tradition of Great Madhyamaka
1.13 The discovery of the Dharmadharmatdvibhagaand its translations into Tibetan
1.14 Extant Tibetan texts: canonical and noncanonical
1.15 Critical editions by three scholars
1.16 The commentaries of Vasubandhu, Rong ston, Mi pham, and Blo bzang rta dbyangs
1.17 The Dharmadharmatdvibhaga and the three constitutive principles (Skt.trisvabhdva)
I.18 The Dharmadharmatdvibhaga avoids the problematic status of the relative-dependent constitutive principle (Skt.paratantrasvabhdva)
2.Maitreyan Yogacara and the criticism of it by Tsong kha pa and Bimal Krishna Matilal
3.Vasubandhu s commentary to the Dharmadharmatavibhainga
4.A Modern Commentary on the Dharmadharmatavibhanga form the Perspective of the rNying ma Tradition by Master Tam Shekwing
5.Three Critical Editions of the Dharmadharmatavibhaiga
Chinese abstract


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