PREFACE PART Ⅰ MYTHS INTRODUCTION First Dynasty Origin of the World Uranus and Gaea Second Dynasty Cronus (Saturn) Rhea Division of the World Theories as to the Origin of Man Third Dynasty Olympian Divinities Zeus (Jupiter) Hera (Juno) Pallas-Athene (Minerva) Themis Hestia (Vesta) Demeter (Ceres) Aphrodite (Venus) Helios (Sol) Eos (Aurora) Phoebus-Apollo Roman Apollo Hecate Selene (Luna) Artemis (Diana) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Poseidon (Neptune) Sea Divinities Oceanus Nereus Proteus Triton and the Tritons Glaucus Thetis Thaumas, Phorcys, and Ceto Leucothea The Sirens Ares (Mars) Mars Nike (Victoria) Hermes (Mercury) Dionysus (Bacchus) Aides (Pluto) Plutus Minor Divinities The Harpies Erinyes, Eumenides (Furiae, Dirge) Moirae or Fates (Parcae) Nemesis Night and Her Children. Death, Sleep, and Dreams Nyx (Nox) Thanatos (Mors) and Hypnus (Somnus) Morpheus The Gorgons Graeae Sphinx Tyche (Fortuna) and Ananke (Necessitas) Kero Ate Momus Eros (Cupid, Amor) and Psyche Hymen Iris (The Rainbow) Hebe (Juventas) Ganymedes The Muses Pegasus The Hesperides Charites (Gratiae) Graces Horae (Seasons) The Nymphs The Winds Pan (Faunus) The Satyrs Priapus Asclepias (Aesculapius) Roman Divinities Janus Flora Robigus Pomona Vertumnus Pales Picus Picumnus and Pilumnus Silvanus Terminus Consus Libitina Laverna Comus The Camenae Genii Manes Lemures (Larwe) and Lares Penates Public Worship of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Temples Statues Altars Priests Sacrifices Oracles Soothsayers (Augurs) Festivals Greek Festivals Eleusinian Mysteries Thesmophoria Dionysia Panathenaea Daphnephoria Roman Festivals Saturnalia Cerealia Vestalia PART Ⅱ LEGENDS Cadmus Perseus Ion Daedalus and Icarus The Argonauts Pelops Heracles (Hercules) Bellerophon Theseus Edipus The Seven against Thebes The Epigoni Alcmaeon and the Necklace The Heraclidae The Siege of Troy Return of the Greeks from Troy