Science Popularization Report of China 2008 is the seventh edition of the science popularization report organized, studied and compiled by the Research Institute for Sci- ence Popularization, which gives a descrip- tion to the situation of the science popular- ization work in the year of 2007. The Engli-sh edition is an abridged version of the Chi-nese original. Since starting the study and compila-tion of China's first science popularization report "China Science Popularization Re-port2002" in 2001, this task group has car-ried out all round study and sustained track-ing on the situation of China's science popularization, kept the record of the majorscience popularization activities and the development of science popularization in various fields through "China Science Popu-larization Report", and made some qualita-tive and quantitative analysis and comparison.
暫缺《2008 Science Pupularization Report of China》作者簡(jiǎn)介
Preface Part One: Summary To Strengthen the Construction of Na-tional Science Popularization Capacity,to Promote the Development of Science Popularization Undertaking Part Two: Policy Environment The Newly Revised "The Law of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology Progress" Attaches Attention to the Development of China's Science Popularization Undertaking The Program of "Benefiting the Farmers and Rejuvenating the Countryside through Science Popularization" Has Been Written in the 2007 No.1 Docu- ment of the Central Committee of CPC and the State Council Eight Government Departments Jointly Promulgated "Several Opinions. Re-garding the Strengthening of the Con-struction of National Science Popular-ization Capacity" Part Three:Science Popularization Facing Key Groups of People Science Popularization Facinq the Juve-nile Science Popularization Facing the Farmers Science Popularization Fatting the Laboring Population in Towns and Cities Part Four: Science Popularization Capacity Construction Books of Science. Popularization Films and TV of Science Popularization Internet Science Popularization Museums of the Category of Natural Science Science Popularization Gallery Part Five: Major Science Popularization Activities National Science and Technology Week:Hand in Hand to Construct An Innova ……