Introduction 1 Warm-ups,breaks and fillers 1:Short energisers Introduction Seth Lindstromberg 1.1 Chair swapping for names Tessa Woodward 1.2 One chair missin9 Pierre Jeanrenaud 1.3 Balloon chase Paul Sanderson 1.4 I do Tessa Woodward 1.5 Newspaper bash Jane Revell 1.6 Staccato start Tessa Woodward 1.7 Singing start Tessa Woodward 1.8 Computer talk Denny Packard 1.9 Bizarre riot Tessa Woodward 2 Warm—ups,breaks and fillers 2.SpeakingIntroduction beth Llndstromberg 2.1 Bytheway Seth Lindstromberg 2.2 HOW do you say… Seth Lindstromberg 2.3 Makethem sayit Tessa Woodward 2.4 Whatever’S in my bag Tessa Woodward 2.5 You guess their adjectives Tessa Woodward 2.6 Think of ten,five,or three things Tessa Woodward 2.7 Links with music Clem Laroy 2.8 Aproverb a day Seth Lindstromberg 2.9 Making stress physical Tessa Woodward 3 Reviewin9 Introduction Seth Lindstromberg 3.1 Vocabulary brainshower Sheila Levy 3.2 Do you know this word? Hanna Kryszewska 3.3 Recycling Adriana Diaz 3.4 Student.produced vocabulary reviews Andrew Glass 3.5 Vocabulary on slips Sheelagh Deller 3.6 True—false student—student dictation Sheelagh Deller 3.7 Student—produced reference booklets Tessa Woodward 3.8 Hidden shape in the puzzle Adriana Diaz 3.9 Guess who grammar quiz Denny Packard 4 Communicative pot—pourri Introduction Seth Lindstromberg 4.1 The books Oll the shelf Adriana Diaz 4.2 ETs and earthlings Adriana Diaz 4.3 Live classroom Adriana Diaz 4.4 The Tower of Babel Adriana Diaz 4.5 Two part discussion Seth Lindstromberg 4.6 Guess my story Herbert Puchta 4.7 The movies youve seen Rick Cooper 4.8 A radio drama Adriana Diaz 4.9 Brothers and Sisters Clem Laroy 4.10 Stories that share the past Mario Rinvolucri 4.11 Your life in the cards Clem Laroy 5 Working with a coursebook Introduction Seth Lindstromberg/Peter Grundy/Lindsey Gallaglaer 5.1 Judge the book by its cover (but not only...) Hanna Kryszewska 5.2 What shall I leave in? David Cranmer 5.3 Supplementing coursebooks with authentic materials Peter Grundy 5.4 Coursebook recall Hanna Kryszewska 5.5 Personalising coursebooks Steve Gilbride and Peter Grundy 5.6 Stories in your coursebook Hanna Kryszewska 5.7 Reconstructing a patch on a page Seth Lindstromberg 5.8 Alternative coursebooks Lindsey Gallagher and Peter Grundy 6 Using magazines and newspapers Introduction Seth Lindstromberg 6.1Who can take notes best? Hanna Kryszewska 6.2 Meet the demand Hanna Kryszewska 6.3 Thats news to met Hanna Kryszewska 6.4 Spot it!Hanna Kryszewska 6.5 Looking in from outside Mario Rinvolucri 7 Theme texts, affective texts, stories Introduction Seth Lindstromberg 7.1 Stories with opposite messages Mario Rinvolucri 7.2 Flip the frame Mario Rinvolucri 7.3 Milk bottles and dustbins Mario Rinvolucri 7.4 Creative criminality Mario Rinvolucri 7.5 Are you a worthy owner? Mario Rinvolucri 7.6 Inseparable Mario Rinvolucri 7.7 Correcting the teller Giinter Gemgross and Herbert Puchta 7.8 Comparing texts - a person-related way Peter Grundy 7.9 Discussion from key words Seth Lindstromberg 8 Writing Introduction Seth Lindstromberg 8.1 Be my scribe John Morgan 8.2 Lyrical letters Joe Buckhurst 8.3 From novelists to publishers Adriana Diaz …… 9 Language through literature 10 Music and imagination 11 Not just for business people 12 Grammar and register:practice,reflection,review Bibliography Index