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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科哲學中國哲學易經圖典(英)



定 價:¥59.80

作 者: 周春才 著,(英)懷特 譯
出版社: 新世界出版社
標 簽: 中國古代哲學


ISBN: 9787510408472 出版時間: 2010-04-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 263 字數(shù):  


  This book has three sections: The Temporal and Spatial Backgrounds of the Book of Changes. Full Explanations of Zhou Yi's 64 Hexagrams. and Health Preservation on the Principle of Heaven and Man As One. It explains the origin and meaning of the River Map, the Luo Writing, the Eight Trigrams, and the 64 Hexagrams. and the close relationship between medical science and the Book of Changes in an easy-to-understand way.


  Born in 1957 in Beijing, Zhou Chuncai is a professional painter and writer. He has spent much of his life studying and popularizing Chinese culture. On the subject of comparison between East and West, the author makes a clear distinction and imparts a specific definition to Chinese culture. His works are rich in imagery and detail, and many of them have been translated into other languages. He has won worldwide acclaim from experts and readers in equal measure.


 The Gougu (Pythagorean) Theorem--the Pivot of Chinese  Civilization The Theory of "Round Heaven and Square Earth" Is Not a Description of the Natural Structure
The Temporal and Spatial Backgrounds of the Book of Changes
 Fuxi and the River Map
 "Dayan Number" and the Time-Space Pattern of the Book of Changes
 Birth of the Early Eight Trigrams
 Sequence Diagram of Fuxi's Early Eight Trigrams (One Divided into Two)
 The Early Eight Trigrams was derived from the River Map
 Taiji Diagram and the Actual Measurement of Primitive Celestial
 Diagram of the Order of the Early 64 Hexagrams
 Yu the Great and Luo Writing
 The Relationship Between the Luo Writing and the River Map, the Correlation of the Five Elements
 Duke Wen Wrote the Zhou Yi
 Relationship Between the Later Eight Trigrams and the  Early Eight
 Order of the Later Eight Trigrams
 Illustration of the Images of the Eight Trigrams
 The Book of Changes Is a Yin-Yang Combination System
 The Principle of the Ancient Divination Method
Full Explanations of the Zhou Yi's 64 Hexagrams
Health Preservation on the Principle of Heaven and Man As One


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