1 基本對話 Basic Expressions 打招呼及問候Greetings 道別Farewells 道謝Thanks 道歉Apologies 同意與附和Agreeing and Responding to Agree 確認Confirmation 請求說明Asking for Clarification 請求重述Requesting Repetition 請求幫忙Asking for Favors 請求許可Asking for Permission 2 機場與飛機 Airport and Aircraft 機票及通關流程Ticketing and Customs 尋找登機閘門Looking for the Gate 登機延誤Boarding Delay 登機Boarding 機上入座To Be Seated 機上廣播Announcements on the Plane 使用設備Using the Facilities 機上餐飲Food and Beverage on the Plane 其他服務Other Services on the Plane 機上免稅商品In-flight Duty Free 入出境記錄及海關申報Arrival/Departure Record and Customs Declaration 降落Landing 轉機Transfer Flights 3 入境 Arrivals 入境準備Going through Customs 海關檢查Customs and Immigration 提領行李Baggage Claim 行李遺失Missing Luggage 兌換錢幣Money Exchange 廣播尋人Paging Someone 交通及住宿查詢Transportation and Accommodations Inquiries 飯店接駁車Hotel Shuttle 4 住宿 Accommodations 詢問空房Asking for Vacancies 房間樣式及設備Room Types and Facilities 旅館柜臺登記Checking into a Hotel 旅館附近地圖Area Map 服務詢問Requesting SerVices 旅館早餐Breakfast 網(wǎng)絡服務Internet Service 游泳池Swimming Pool 會議室Meeting Room 自助洗衣Laundromat 客房服務Room Service 疑難排解Solving Problems 換房Changing a Room 燈壞了Broken Lamp 插頭不合Plugs …… 5 交通 6 餐飲 7 觀光 8 購物 9 郵電 10 銀行 11 麻煩事 12 回國 附錄 詞匯補給站