unit 1 1.1 listening: tech team puts microscope on cellphone 1.2 speaking: how to make your speaking easierand more effective 1.3 reading: what is computer science fromwikipedia 1.4 writing: introduction to writing in englishfor an english academic audience 1.5 inside academics: how to write email or whatis email etiquette unit 2 2.1 listening: soccer players ranked withnetwork analysis 2.2 speaking: effective powerpoint 2.3 reading: manipulation of the crowd: howtrustworthy are online ratings 2.4 writing: elementary rules of usage from theelements of style (part ii) 2.5 inside academics: tips for writing a coverletter unit 3 3.1 listening: selected from science magazinepodcast 3.2 speaking: presentation tips 3.3 reading: is your computer secure 3.4 writing: the elements of style iiielementary principles of composition 3.5 inside academics: how to write an effectivecv unit 4 4.1 listening: the impact of innovation andtechnology to us election 4.2 speaking: identifying your goals andorganizing your presentation 4.3 reading: cybersecurity: how safe are yourdata? 4.4 writing: the standards of a scientificpaper 4.5 inside academics: how to write personalstatement unit 5 5.1 listening: bill gates's keynote in ces2008 5.2 speaking: oral presentationadvices 5.3 reading: how to read a paper 5.4 writing: notes on technical writing inmathematical writing 5.5 inside academics: how to write a literaturereview unit 6 6.1 listening: steve jobs' keynote in wwdc2010 6.2 speaking: how to give a good talk 6.3 reading: how to read a computer scienceresearch paper 6.4 writing: tips on (science and engineering)bachelor's and master's thesis writing 6.5 inside academics: how to write adissertation unit 7 7.1 listening: a lecture on hardware in harvarduniversity 7.2 speaking: delivering winningpresentations 7.3 reading: how to read a cs researchpaper 7.4 writing: scientific writing for computerscience students 7.5 inside academics: how to survive in graduateschool unit 8 8.1 listening: a lecture on intemet in harvarduniversity 8.2 speaking: hints for ph.d. proposal defenseand ph.d. defense 8.3 reading: from ieee s&p magazine 8.4 writing: tips for writing technicalpapers 8.5 inside academics: how to do research andresearch methodology unit 9 9.1 listening: a lecture on introduction ofalgorithm in mit 9.2 speaking: phone interview preparation 9.3 reading: selected from the most citedtextbook in computer science 9.4 writing: an evaluation of the ninth sospsubmissions 9.5 inside academics: the three golden rules forsuccessful scientific research and the ph.d. experience unit 10 10.1 listening: acm sigkdd tutorial 10.2 speaking: how to do a good lecturing 10.3 reading: one of the most cited papers incomputer science 10.4 writing: how to write a title, abstract andconclusion (selected from scientific writing, a reader and writer'sguide) 10.5 inside academics: nsf career proposalwriting tips appendix a other related suggestions a.1 on looking at sentences a.2 ten lessions in clarity and grace a.3 four (easy) steps to better writing a.4 how to read an engineering researthpaper a.5 computer science'academic conferences a.6 citeseer's most cited computer sciencecitations appendix b partial translations b.1 the elements of style ii--elementary rulesof usag b.2 the elements of style iii--elementaryprinciples of composition reference