Ancient Chinese Bronze Gallery
A History of Ancient Chinese Bronze
Initial Stage(3),Developing Stage (3),Zenith Stage(3),Transition Sage(4),Renewal Stage(4)
Classifications of Bronzes
Food Vessels
Cooking Vessels:Ding (6), Li (6), Yan (6)
Food Containers:Gui (6), Xu (7). Dui (7), Dou (7)
Wine Vessels
Drinking Vessels:Jue (7). Jia (8). Gu (8), Zhi (8)
Wine Containers:Hu (8), You (9). Zun (9), Lei (9),
Ling (9), Pou (9), Gong (10),
Square Yi (10)
Wuter Vessels: Pan (10), He (10), Yi (11), Jian (11)
Musical hzstruments: Nao (11), Zhong (11), Drum (12)
Weapons and Others: Yue (12), Jian (12), Sheng (12),
Btvnze Pillow (13),
Cowrie Container (13),
Btvnze Mirror (13)
Decorations on the Bronze
Animal Musk Design (14),Dragon Desitcn (14),
PhoenLr Design (14), Animal Design (15),
Metamorphosed Animal Design (15),
Geometric Design (15), Puinting Design (16)
Casting Techniques
Piece-mold Method (17), Lost-wax Methnd(18)
Dcrcrativc Craft, manship
Ancient Chinese Sculpture Gallery
A History of Ancient Chinese Sculpture
Buddha Figure Sculptures
Ancient Chinese Ceramics Gallery
A History of Chinese Ceramics
Famous Kilns in Ancient Times
Major Types of Ceramics
Ancient Chinese Painting Gallery
A History of Ancient Chinese Painting
Major Types of Traditional Chinese Painting
Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Gallery
A History of Chinese Calligraphy
Major Types of Chinese Calligraphy
Ancient Chinese Seal Gallery
A History of Ancient Chinese Seals
Chinese Ming and Qing Furniture Gallery
Chinese Ming and Qing Furniture
Ancient Chinese Jades Gallery
A History of Ancient Chinese Jades
Chinese Minority Nationalities' Art Gallery
Craft of Chinese Minority Nationalities
Ancient Chinese Coins Gallery
A History of Ancient Chinese Coins
Appendix Ⅰ:Articles Included
Appendix Ⅱ:Table of Chinese Dynasties