中國瓷器誕生于兩千多年前,是中國文化最具象征意義的符號之一。在漫長的發(fā)展歷程中,中國瓷形成了光潔瑩潤、高貴典雅、質(zhì)樸淳厚的藝術風格,并融入了中國文化思想、價值取向和審美情趣,創(chuàng)造了清麗雋永的青瓷、純潔如玉的白瓷、清幽秀美的青花瓷、富麗華貴的彩繪瓷等。本書對瓷器的發(fā)展、燒制工藝、器形、釉彩、紋飾等進行了介紹,帶領讀者走近瓷器,欣賞和感受它的獨特魅力。Born more than two thousand years ago, Chinese porcelain is one ofthe most symbolic signs of Chinese Culture. During an age-longevolution, along with the glossy and elegant appearance as well asthe unadorned art style, Chinese porcelain is also permeated withChinese philosophies, values and tastes for beauty, with thecreation of comely and delicate celadon, the pure and jade-likewhite porcelain, the graceful and tranquil Blue-and-White (QingHua) porcelain, the magnificent and sumptuous polychrome paintedporcelain and etc. This book introduces Chinese porcelain'sevolution, firing techniques, vessel shape, glaze color andornament. We hope that this book will help the readers to get acloser look at porcelain and appreciate its unique charm.
伯仲,中國收藏文化愛好者、研究者Bo Zhong, Chinese culture and collection enthusiast andresearcher
千年之瓷 Millennia Porcelain 001 瓷器的歷程 The History of Porcelain 002 瓷器的燒造工藝 Porcelain-firing Crafts 025 名窯名瓷 Renowned Porcelains and Kilns 030 瓷器的器形之美 Beauty of Porcelain Shape 053 碗 Bowl 054 盤 Plate 059 杯 Cup 063 瓶 Vase 067 壺 Ewer 085 罐 Jar 091 文房用具 Study Tools 095 其他瓷器 Other Porcelain Wares 100 瓷器的釉彩之美 The Grace of Glazed Porcelain 109 青釉 Celadon Glaze 110 白釉 White Glaze 112 青白釉 Bluish-White Glaze 115 黑釉 Black Glaze 117 藍釉 Blue Glaze 120 紅釉 Red Glaze 123 黃釉 Yellow Glaze 128 青花 Blue-and-White (Qinghua) 130 釉里紅 Underglazed-Red 135 五彩 Five-Colors (Wucai) 137 斗彩 Contending-Color (Doucai) 139 粉彩 Powdered-Color (Fencai) 141 琺瑯彩 Enamel-Color (Falangcai) 143 金彩 Overglazed Gold (Jincai) 146 瓷器的紋飾之美 Beauty of Pocerlain Ornament 149 幾何紋 Geometric Patterns 150 動物紋 Fauna Patterns 155 植物紋 Floral Patterns 166 人物紋 Figure Patterns 174 山水紋 Landscape Patterns 179 文字紋 Script Patterns 181 吉祥紋 Auspicious Patterns 183