The sections for each organ system begin with a chapter that summarizes an approach to patients with key symptoms, signs, orlaboratory abnormali-ties associated with dysfunction of that organ system. As summarized in Table 1-1, the text speafically provides clear, concise information regarding how a physician should approach more than 100 common symptoms, signs,and laboratory abnormalities, usually with a flow diagram, a table, or both for easy reference.ln this way, Cecd remains a comprehensive text to guide diag-nosis and therapy, not only for patients with suspected or known diseases but also for patients who may have undiagnosed abnormalities that require an inihal evaluation.
SECTION XXI: DISEASES OF ALLERGY AND (LINICALIMMUNOLOGY 257 Approach to the Patient with Allergic or Immunologic Disease STEPHEN I.WASSERMAN 258 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases MARK BALLOW 259 Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis LARRY BORISH 260 Urticaria and Angioedema STEPHEN C. DRESKIN 261 Systemic Anaphylaxis, Food Allergy, and Insect Sting Allergy LAWRENCE B. SCHWARTZ 262 Drug Allergy LESLIE C.GRAMMER 263 Mastocytosis CEM AKIN SE(TION XXII: RHEUMATIC DISEASES 264 Approach to the Patient with Rheumatic Disease WILLIAM P. AREND AND GEORGE V. LAWRY 265 Laboratory Testing in the Rheumatic Diseases DAVID S. PISETSKY 266 Imaging Studies in the Rheumatic Diseases LYNNE S. STEINBACH 267 Connective Tissue Structure and Function RICHARD F. LOESER 268 Inherited Diseases of Connective Tissue REED E. PYERITZ 269 The Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases DANIEL L. KASTNER 270 Osteoarthritis NANCY E. LANE AND THOMAS J. SCHNITZER 271 Bursitis,Tendinitis, and Other Periarticular Disorders and Sports Medicine JOSEPH J, BIUNDO 272 Rheumatoid Arthritis JAMES R, O'DELL 273 The Spondyloarthropathies ROBERT D.INMAN 274 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus MARY K. CROW 275 Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) JOHN VARGA 276 Sjogren's Syndrome STANLEY NAGUWA AND M. ERIC GERSHWIN 277 Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis FREDERICK W. MILLER 278 The Systemic Vasculitides JOHN H. STONE 279 Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Temporal Arteritis ROBERT F. SPIERA AND STEPHEN A. PAGET 280 Infections of Bursae, loints, and Bones ERIC L. MATTE50N AND DOUGLAS R, OSMON 281 Crystal Deposition Diseases N. LAWRENCE EDWARDS 282 Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ROBERT M. BENNETT 283 Systemic Diseases in Which Arthritis Is a Feature STERLING G. WEST 284 ldiopathic Multifocal Fibrosclerosis WILMER L. SIBBITT, JR 285 SurgicaITreatment ofjoint Disease C. RONALD MACKENZIE AND EDWIN P. SU