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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史中國史中國近現(xiàn)代史辛亥革命史:中國近代歷史的轉(zhuǎn)折(讓世界讀懂中國歷史 英文版)

辛亥革命史:中國近代歷史的轉(zhuǎn)折(讓世界讀懂中國歷史 英文版)

辛亥革命史:中國近代歷史的轉(zhuǎn)折(讓世界讀懂中國歷史 英文版)

定 價:¥108.00

作 者: 董蔡時 主編
出版社: 外文出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 現(xiàn)代史

ISBN: 9787119073408 出版時間: 2012-01-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 544 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  The Revolution of 1911 is the most important event in early 20th century China, At that timethe Qing Dynasty which had ruled"over China for 260 years.was overthrown ending two thousand.years of feudal monarchic dictatorship, with the subsequent establishment of the Republic.of China, democracy and the republican form of government was able to strike a deep root in thehearts of the Chinese people.The revolution marked a major turning point in modern Chinesehistory, and had far-reaching influence on various aspects of social life in contemporary China.The book is edited by Professor Dong Caishi The eleven chapters are written by Lu Boweiand Wang Guoping.Chapters one through seven are devoted to the political and economic con-ditions of China towards the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, the revolution-ary,activities of Dr.Sun Yat-sen, the setting up of the Tong Meng、Hui (Alliance Society)and theupsuryein the revolutionary situation.Chapters eight through ten mainly deseribe the Wuchang Uprising and the setting up of theNanjing Provisional Government,the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty,the moving of the Pro-visional Government to Beijing and the usurpation of power by Yuan Shikai CharJter eleven de-scribes the industrial and commercial circles and the activities of political parties in the early daysof the Republic,and the failure of the Second Reviolution.The book,drawinging on a rich library of historical research materials,probes deeply:albeitconcisely,into the entire revolutionary process.Having absorbed the fruits of research on thehistory of the revolution made in academic fields both at home and abroad the book can serve asintroductory reading material on the revolution of l911 and on Chinese social and historical Con-difions before and atter the revolution.At the same time.it is an academic work which reflectsthe fruits of research made in recent years in academic fields on the history of the Revolution of 1911.The book narrates the elaborate history of the 1911 revolution in highly readable, vividstyle. In addition, the text is accompanied by maps on the revolutionary situation,the WuchangUprising,as Well as other illustrations.A bibliography and index are provided.


  Professor Done Caishi、the ediroe of this book and famous historian, vcas born in wujin county,Jiangsu Province in 1921.After graduating fromthe Central Political University in 1946,he begana long career of teaching Engtish and history.In1952 he devoted himself entirely to teaching his-tory.In 1958 he began teaching modern Chinesehistory at the History Department of Jiangsu Teachers College,his research focusing on historyof the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and modernChinese Dolitical history.Dong Caishi has published over eighty trea-tises,including A Critical Biograpby of Zuo Zongtangand The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Suzhou.Hc is the chief editor of numerous books onhistorical rescatch materiats,among which are Spe-cial Historical Researcb Materials on the Taiping Heav-enly Kingdom,The Letters of He Guiqmg.and Others,and Selected Historical Research Materials on the TaipingHeapenly Kingdom in Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Henan and An-hui.


ChapterⅠ The Development of Chinese Capitalism
1.The Origin and Development of Chinese Capitalism
2.Characteristics of the Chinese Bourgeoisie and Their Political
Chapter II Sun Yat-sen Forms the Xing Zhong Hui(Society for the Revival of China)
1.Sun Yat.Sen;s Activities in the Early Years
2.Forming the Xing Zhong Hui and Leading the Armed Uprising
Chapter III The New Political Situation in Early 20th Century China
1.Revolution Parts Company with Reform
2.The New Awakening of the Chinese People
3.The Empress Dowager's“New Measures
4.The Study Abroad Movement
5.The Dynamic Bourgeois Patriotic Movement
ChapterⅣ The Strength of the Bourgeois Revolutionaries Expands
1.From Patriotism to Revolution
2.The Emergence of Revolutionary Groups
3.Agitational Activities of the Bourgeois Revolutionaries
Chapter V Forming the Tong Meng Hui
1.Sun Yat.sen Forms the Tong Meng Hui
2.The Revolutionary Programme of the Tong Meng Hui
3.The Organization and Characteristics of the Tong Meng Hui
Chapter VI Revolutionary Activities Directed by the Tong Meng Hui
1.The Polemic Between the Rev01utionaries and the Reformists
2.The Armed Uprisings Led by the Tong Meng Hui or
Waged Under Its Influence
3.Contradictions Within the Tong Meng Hui
ChapterⅦ The Failure of the Constitutional Movement and the Subsequent Upsurge in the Revolutionary Situation
1.The Empress Dowager Ci Xi Prepares for Constitutional Government
2.The Constitutional Movement with the Jiangsu.Zhejiang Faction at the Core
3.Yuan Shikai's Seizure of Power and His Expulsion
4.The Emergence of a Cabinet Made Up of Royal Clan Members and the New Tendency of Bureaucrats,Warlords and Constitutionalists
5.The Railway Protection Movement and the High Tide of the Revolutionary Situation
ChapterⅧ The Wuchang Uprising and the Response from Various Parts of China
1.The Wen Xue She(Literary Association)and the Gong Jin Hui (Society for Mutual Progress)
2.The Wuchang Uprising
3.The Establishment of the Hubei Military Government and Its
Revolutionary Measures
4.Guarding Wuhan Against Qing Attacks
5.China Responds to the Wuchang Uprising
ChapterⅨ The South.North Peace Talks and the Establishment of the Nanjing Provisional Government
ChapterⅩ Sun Yat-sen Resigns in Favour of Yuan Shikai and the Provisional Government Moves to North China
ChapterⅪ The Twilight of the 1911 Revolution and the Failure of the Second Revolution
Appendix:Selected Bibliography


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