In the implementation of Jean Monnet Chair Professor Project (Jean MonnetChair 2008-2753),we have offered a comprehensive series of graduate studies courses for the students at M.A.and Ph.D.levels from interdisciplinary backgrounds,and the students of economics,political science, linguistics,literature,culttual studies and history take same classes and participate in discussions.This kind ofinterdisciplinary leaming platform is a wonderful starting point to guide the graduate students into a wider and up-to-date perspective for their academic studies of EU,making them acquainted with the current issues in European and EU studies,and helping themin their practical research work in the area.In the lecture series and existing courses,the professors, guest speakers and scholars both intemational and home have noticed that the students in one way or another lack a comprehensive knowledge about EU and EU integration,and they,with their various discipline backgrounds,need a common ground for their discussions.For this purpose we have decided that compiling a Reader for the students of European Studies is necessary,and either for a course or to those students who have the interest to explore EU,particularly EU integratign,a collection of academic papers would be most helpful.
Part One The Overview The Ventotene Manifesto Reconstruction,Reconciliation, and Integration, 1945-1957 A Ferment of Change The Emerging European Union,1993-1999 European Union and Globalization The Lisbon Treaty:The End of the European Community,after a Long and Glorious Life? Part Two The Critique Cultural Studies, Complexity Studies and the Transformation of the Structures of Knowledge Multiculturalism and Political Integration in Modern Nation-States—Thematic Introduction Some Europein Their History Obstinate or Obsolete? The Fate of the Nation-State and the Case of Western Eu-rope Citizenship and European integration European Identity-Between Inclusion and Exclusion The Debate on European Values and the Case of Cultural Diversity Voiceless Submission or Deliberate Choice? European Integration and the Relation between National and European Identity Part Three The Practice EU Participation in the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions:Some Constitutional Remarks Consuming European Identity:The Inconspicuous Side of Consumerism in the EU EU Film Policy: Between Art and Commerce "United in Diversity":The Church's Experience and the European Union's Identity Motto The"Culturallndustries":A Clash of Basic Values?A Comparative Study of the EU and the NAFTA in Light of the WTO Timescapes:An Artistic Challenge to the European Union Paradigm Nation,Citizenship and Immigration in Contemporary Spain Appendix:A Selected Booklist