chapter 1. an introduction of functional experimentation chapter 2. basic knowledge and theory section 1. biological characteristics and application of commonlyused laboratory animals section 2. biological data acquisition systems section 3. selection and design principles of medical scientificresearch topics section 4. medical information retrieval section 5. writing methods of scientific papers and labreports section 6. laboratory safety and rules chapter 3. basic methods of animal experiments section 1. animal capture and restraint section 2. animal numbering section 3. drug administration for laboratory animals section 4. anesthesia of laboratory animals section 5. unhairing of laboratory animals section 6. blood collection of laboratory animals section 7. euthanasia methods of laboratory animals chapter 4. basic techniques in experimental animal surgicaloperation section 1. traditional surgical instruments section 2. technique of animal catheterization section 3. haemostasis and technique of knots making section 4. technique of wound sutures (stitches)and suturesout chapter 5. basic experiments experiment 1. the nature of muscle contraction experiment 2. measurement of conduction velocity of actionpotential and excitability from neural trunk experiment 3. determination of hemoglobin content and red bloodcell osmotic fragihty experiment 4. premature contraction and compensatorypause experiment 5. chemicals on the regulation of ex vivo heartactivities experiment 6. measurement of human arterial bloodpressure experiment 7. recording of human electrocardiogram experiment 8. pulmonary function tests experiment 9. regulation of respiratory movements experiment 10. physiological properties of the isolatedgastrointestinal smooth muscle experiment 11. factors that influencing urineformation experiment 12. damage effects of unilateral labyrinth and cochlearpotential induction from guinea pigs experiment 13. examination of visual fields andscotornas experiment 14. analysis of reflex arc and the basic features ofthe reflex activities experiment 15. experimental pulmonary edema inrabbits experiment 16. effect of different factors on hypoxictolerance experiment 17. influence of ph of body fluids on drugabsorption experiment 18. one-compartment open model and calculation of thepharmacokinetic parameters experiment 19. two-compartment open model and calculation of thepharmacokinetic parameters experiment 20. determination of medial lethal dose (lds0) ofdrug experiment 21. the antergic experiments of drng-the binding assayof radio-ligand and receptor experiment 22. intoxication and detoxication oforganophosphates experiment 23. effects of drugs by different dosageforms experiment 24. effects of drugs by different routes ofadministration experiment 25. basic effects of drugs experiment 26. factors influencing drug effects experiment 27. observation of analgesic action of drugs withwrithing method experiment 28. anticonvulsant effect of the drug experiment 29. effects of drugs on learning and memory of animal(mice step-down experiment. rat shuttle box experiment. morriswater maze experiment) experiment 30. effects of hydrocortisone on mice ear swellinginduced by xylol experiment 31. anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone on ratpaw edema experiment 32. effects of cardiac glycosides on heartfailure experiment 33. antibacterial experiment of antibacterial agentsin vitro experiment 34. antibacterial experiment of antibacterial agentsin vivo chapter 6. comprehensive experiments ( ) experiment 1. different types of hypoxia experiment 2. hyperkalemia in rabbits experiment 3. disseminated intravascular coagulation inrabbit experiment 4. disorders of acid-base balance and its experimentaltherapy in rabbits experiment 5. ischemia and reperfusion injury inintestine experiment 6. acute endotoxic shock experiment 7. hemorrhagic shock and alterations ofmicrocirculation in rabbit experiment 8. regulation of the cardiovascular system and acutecardiac failure experiment 9. effects of experimental pneumothorax onrespiration. circulation and acid-base balance inrabbits experiment 10. acute respiratory distress syndrome andpharmacotherapy experiment 11. hepatic encephalopathy and itstreatment experiment 12. determination of endogenous creatinine clearancerate and excretion fraction of sodium filtration in acute renalfailure experiment 13. reproduction of multiple organ dysfunctionsyndrome experiment 14. the effect of drug and bioactivator on the isolatedtracheal strips of cavy experiment 15. determination of the pharmacokinetic parameters ofsulfa drugs in rabbits with renal failure chapter 7. exploratory experiments chapter 8. case discussion and paper analysis references appendix