Part I British Literature of the Victorian Age 1 The Survey to the Victorian Age Literature 2 Novel 2.1 Charles Dickens Great Expectations 2.2 William Makepeace Thackeray 2.3 he Bronte Sisters 2.3.1 Charlotte Bronte 2.3.2 Emily Bronte 2.4 Thomas Hardy Tess of the D'Urbervilles 3 Poetry 3.1 Lord Alfred Tennyson Crossing the Bar Break, Break, Break 3.2 Nobert Browning My Last Duchess 4 Drama Oscar Wilde Salome Part II British Literature of the Modern Period 1 The Survey to Modern British Literature 2 Rovel 2.1 Joseph Conrad 2.2 John Galsworthy 2.3 Edward Morgan Forster 2.4 James Joyce Evelne 2.5 Virginia Woole To the Lighthouse 2.6 David Herbert Lawrence Women in Love 3 Poetry 3.1 William Butler Yeats The Sorrow of Love 3.2 Thomas Stearns Eliot 4. Drama George Bernard Shaw Widowers 'Houses Part III British Literature of the Contemporary Period 1 The Survey to Contemporary British Literature 2 Novel 2.1 Graham Greene 2.2 William Golding Lord of the Flies 2.3 Iris Murdoch 2.4 Doris Lessing The Golden Notebook 2.5 John Fowles 3.Poetry 3.1 Movement Poetry?Philip Larkin Going, Going 3.2 Ted Hughes Second Glance at a Jaguar 4.Drama 4.1 Samuel Beckett 4.2 Amold Wesker Chicken Soup with Barley References