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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)交通運輸綜合運輸交通工程總論(Introduction to Traffic Engineering)

交通工程總論(Introduction to Traffic Engineering)

交通工程總論(Introduction to Traffic Engineering)

定 價:¥59.00

作 者: 楊孝寬,賀玉龍 著
出版社: 人民交通出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 綜合運輸

ISBN: 9787114082979 出版時間: 2010-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 219 字數(shù):  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition, scope and goal
1.2 Traffic system
1.3 Background of development of traffic engineering
1.4 Responsibility and liability ( professional ethics )
1.5 Transportation legislation
1.6 Characteristics of traffic engineering and challenges that traffic engineers face
1.7 Explanation of some technical terms
1.8 References
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts and Components in Traffic Engineering
2.1 Mobility versus accessibility
2.2 Classification of roadways
2.3 Uninterrupted and interrupted flows
2.4 Perception-Reaction Time (PRT)
2.5 Visual acuity Static versus dynamic
2.6 Walking speed
2.7 Vehicle characteristics
2.8 Geometric characteristics of roadways
2.9 Traffic control devices
2.9.1 Traffic signs
2.9.2 Traffic markings
2.9.3 Traffic signals
Chapter 3 Volume, Density & Speed Studies
3.1 Definition of volumes
3.2 Definition of speed
3.3 Density
3.4 Relationship among volume, speed and density
3.5 Derivation of flow-speed and flow-density relationships
3.6 Finding capacity from basic speed-flow-density curves
Chapter 4 Spot Speed, Travel Time, and Delay Studies
4.1 Spot speed studies
4.2 Travel time studies
4.3 Delay studies
Chapter 5 Statistics and Application in Traffic Engineering
5.1 Some basic concepts
5.2 Distribution of traffic flow
5.2.1 Poisson distribution
5.2.2 Binomial distribution
5.2.3 Exponential distribution
5.3 MIMI1 system—— queuing theory application
5.4 Chi-square (x2) goodness-of-fit test
Chapter 6 Highway Capacity Analysis
6.1 Capacity, level of service and other related concepts
6.1.1 Definition of capacity
6.1.2 Concept of level of service and measure of effectiveness
6.1.3 Other related concepts
6.1.4 Factors affecting capacity &LOS ( base conditions )
6.1.5 Factors affecting the free-flow speed
6.1.6 Samples for free-flow speed estimation
6.2 Two types of analysis
6.2.1 Steps for operational analysis
6.2.2 Example for operational analysis
6.2.3 Steps for design analysis
6.2.4 Example for design analysis
6.3 Capacity analysis for two-lane highway
6.3.1 Classification of two-lane highway
6.3.2 Capacity of two-lane highway
6.3.3 LOS for two-lane highway
6.3.4 FFS for two-lane highway
6.3.5 Operation analysis for two-lane highway
6.4 Capacity & LOS analysis for weaving, merging, and diverging on freeways and multilane highways
6.4.1 Basic knowledge
6.4.2 Capacity of weaving area
6.4.3 Level of service criteria
6.4.4 Analysis of weaving areas
6.4.5 Analysis of merge and diverge areas
Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Intersection Design
7.1 Introduction to intersection control
7.1.1 Types of intersection
7.1.2 Hierarchy of at-grade intersection control
7.1.3 Capacity analysis of TWSC intersection
7.2 Basic principles and steps of intersection signalization
7.2.1 Terms and definitions
7.2.2 Saturation flow rate, lost times and capacity
7.2.3 The critical lane and time budget
7.2.4 Concept of left-turn and right-turn equivalence
7.2.5 Delay as a measure of effectiveness
7.3 Fundamentals of signal timing and design
7.3.1 Development of phase plan
7.3.2 Determination of vehicular signal parameters
7.3.3 Determination of pedestrian signal parameters
7.4 Computer software related to intersection signal timing
Chapter 8 Traffic Control Devices
8.1 Definition and categories of traffic control devices
8.2 Introduction of MUTCD
8.2.1 History and background of MUTCD
8.2.2 General principles of the MUTCD
8.2.3 Contents of the MUTCD
8.3 Traffic markings
8.3.1 Longitudinal markings
8.3.2 Transverse markings
8.3.3 Object markers and delineators
8.3.4 Word and symbol markings
8.4 Traffic signs
8.4.1 Regulatory signs
8.4.2 Warning signs
8.4.3 Guide signs
8.5 Traffic signals
8.5.1 Characteristics of traffic signals
8.5.2 Traffic signals warranty
8.5.3 Pedestrian signals
8.5.4 Other traffic signals


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