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The Tao that Can be Told:An Illustrated New Taoism

The Tao that Can be Told:An Illustrated New Taoism

定 價:¥48.00

作 者: 趙啟光 著
出版社: 海豚出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787511004130 出版時間: 2010-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 171 字數(shù):  


  For me happiness consists of three things: readingthe most wonderful books inthe world, meeting the most wonderful people in theworld and visiting the mostwonderful places in the world. Where, you mightask, are the most wonderfulplaces in the world? The benevolent see benevolenceand the wise see wisdom.Let us not talk about this forthe moment. Lao Tze is one of the most wonderful people to have everdrawn breath on the earth. His wisdom has been admired by people from all over the world for millennia. The Tao Te Ching is one of themost wonderful books ever created. Every single sentence is striking.The first sentence echoes like the peal of a large bell lying at the bottom of the sea as it breaks the waves of the surface. "The Tao that can be toldis not the eternal Tao." The Tao can be sensed but cannot be expressedin words. One would think that great waves should surge in the heartof Lao Tze, but he speaks calmly.


暫缺《The Tao that Can be Told:An Illustrated New Taoism》作者簡介


Inscriptions of Chinese Culture
001 The Tao that Can be Told
002 Why Can Angels Fly?
003 Look up at the Stars
004 The Highest Good Is Water
005 An Unanchored Boat
006 Know the Male and Stay With the Female
007 Do Nothing and Do Everything
008 Gain and Loss
009 The Dragon Is Coming
010 The Hour of Death
011 Living Between the Two
012 The Law of the Tao Is Its Being What It Is
013 The Battlefield of Life
Appendix: Tao Te thing


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