Ancient Greek Philosophy 1.The Presocratics and Sophists The Milesians Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism Xenophanes Heraclitus Parmenides The Pluralists:Anaxagoras and Empedocles Zeno of Elea Atomism:Leucippus and Democritus Diogenes of Apollonia The Sophists 2.Plato:The Symposium 3.Aristotle:Nicomachean Ethics The Hellenistic Philosophy 1.Epicureanism Free Will Pleasure 2.Stoicism Virtue and Vice Moral Responsibility Medieval Philosophy 1.Boethius(480-524) The Consolation of Philosophy 2.John Scotus Eriugena(800-877) "On the Trinity"from Periphyseon 3.Anselm(1033-1109) Proslogion 4.Peter Abelard(109-1142) Glosses on Porphyry from Logica Ingredientibus 5.Saint Thomas Aquinas(1225-1274) Summa Thelogica 6.John Duns Scotus(1265-1308) The Principle of Individuation 7.William of Ockham(1285-1349) Summa Logicae Philosophy of the Renaissance 1.Nicholas of Cusa(1401-1464) 2.Desiderius Erasmus(1469-1536) The Complaint of Peace 3.Machiaveli(1469-1527) The Prince 4.Thomas More(1478-1535) Utopia 17th Century Philosophy 1.Rene Descartes(1596-1650) Meditations on First Philosophy 2.Baruch Spinoza(1632-1677) Ethics 3.Gottried Leibniz The Principles of Philosophy,or,the Monadology 4.John Locke(1632-1704) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 5.George Berkeley(1685-1753) Of the Principles of Human Knowledeg 6.David Hume(1711-1776) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding The Philosophy of Enlightenment 1.Montesquieu(1689-1755) The Spirit of the Laws 2.Voltaire(1694-1778) Voltaire:Political Writings 3.Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1712-1778) The Social Contract and other later political writings German Idealism 1.Immanuel Kant(1724-1804) Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics 2.Geory W.F.Hegel(1770-1831) Phenomenology of Spirit