Thirty years ago, our world saw one of the greatestevents during the climax of Cold War, the normalizationof diplomatic relationship between U.S.A and China.Both American and Chinese diplomats contributedtheir greatest efforts to remove the obstacle betweenthe two giants. In the subsequent years, most Westernbloc countries renewed their relationships with China,initiating a new era of international political progression.The Western world and China share much in commonbut also differ greatly in many other issues. Suchdifferences, sadly, are often easier to be remembered byus than the similar beliefs we hold in common. Mutualunderstanding of our similarities and dissimilarities,therefore, is vital to the healthy development ofinternational relationship.
Sisu Pan spent most of his early daysin Beijing and was enrolled in Peking Universitys School of International Studies in 2002. In 2003 he wasaccepted by Imperial College Londonand finished his undergraduate studies in 2007 with a BS in BiologicalScience. He has participated in various social and scientific events since he was young, including theHuman Genome Project when he wasin high school. He is a knowledgeable person who has traveled in China, Europe and America. He has a keentaste and decent knowledge in history,cultural studies, international politics,arts, science and many other subjects.He once worked for Citigroup and UNICEF (United Nations ChildrensFund), and Chinese Higher EducationPress. He has published a book about his school life in Beijing.
Introduction Chapter 1 Understanding China - Its Past Chapter 2 Confucianism and Chinese History Chapter 3 Confucianism Revisited Chapter 4 Fall of Rome and Revival of China Chapter 5 Language, Religions, Agrarian Society Conclusion