Chapter 1 Introduction to the Functional Laboratory Section 1 Rules and Procedures Section 2 Experiment Data Recording and Test Report Section 3 Common Functional Experiment Equipments Chapter 2 Animal Experiments in vivo and in vitro Experiment 1 Basic Theory and Technical Skills of Functional Experiments Experiment 2 Observation on the Tissue Excitation Experiment 3 Recordings of Action Potential Experiment 4 Measurement of Conduction Velocity of Nerve Impulse Experiment 5 Measurement of Refractory Period in the Toad Sciatic Nerve Experiment 6 Observation and Identification of Cardiac Pacemaker in Toads Experiment 7 Premature Contraction and Compe atory Pause of Toad Ventricle Experiment 8 Regulation of the Cardiovascular System in Rabbits Experiment 9 Discharge of Aortic Nerve in Rabbits Experiment 10 Regulation of Respiratory Movement Experiment 11 Movement of Small Intestine Muscle in vitro Experiment 12 Dose-respo e Relatio hip of Acetylcholine Experiment 13 Determination of Plasma Half-life of Drug--Sodium Salicylate Experiment 14 Influence of Phenobarbital Sodium on the Content of Hepatic Cytochrome p450 in Mice Experiment 15 Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity and Effect of Drugs on Blood Pressure Experiment 16 Facto Influencing Urine Formation(The Diuretic Effect of Furosemide and Hypertonic Glucose on Anesthetized Rabbits) Experiment 17 Hypoxia and Etiologic Observation Experiment 18 Hyperkalemia and Therapy in Guinea Pigs/Rats Experiment 19 Acid-base Disorde Experiment 20 Microcirculation Change and Therapy in Hemorrhagic Shock of Rabbits Experiment 21 Effect of Ammonia on Hepatic Encephalopathy in Rabbits Experiment 22 Experiments Desigu -Effects of Unknown Y Solution on Toads'''' Heart Chapter 3 Systemic Functional Experiments in Human Body Experiment 1 Human Body Blood Pressure Experiment 2 Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise Experiment 3 Muscle Experiment Experiment 4 Water Balance