Spring 2009 VOLUME 4.NUMBER ECoNoMlCS PENG GANG.JIANG YANXIA The Nominal and Real Convergence of the Europea Monetary Union ERIC GIRARDIN.LlU ZHENYA Is the B-share Market Ripe for Merging with the A-market or Was It Already Ripe Long Ago? LIU YUANCHUN The Nature of China’S Economic Growth Rate CHEN ZHONGYANG.LILI BaselⅡand Bank Risk Management in China CHEN LIANG Analysis of Urban Development in China’S Economic Transition:A Case Study EDUCATIoN FENGJUN General Education and Reading the Classics HUMANITIES YANG HUILIN.SHI XIAOLI Language and Missionary Universities in China MALIN How Does Heidegger Translate the Daodej ing? ALEXANDER V LOMANOV Chinese Culture through the Eyes of Russian Missionaries:Translations and Interpretations MARIAN GALIK Julius Zeyer (1841-1901):The Man Who Introduced Chinese Literature to Bohemia INTERNATIoNAL RELATIoNS Dl DONGSHENG.SONG XIAOKUN The EU-US-China Strategic Triangle from 200 1 to 2020:Facts and Dynamics RESEARCH REPoRTS CHINA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH TEAM,RENMIN UNIVERSITY 0FCHINA The Fiscal System and Policy Options Based on a Scientific View of Development CENTER FOR STUDIES OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY&METHOD,RENMINUNIVERSITY oF CHINA Community Construction and Institutional Innovion in ChinaTHE SCH00L oF ECONOMICS RESEARCH TEAM,RENMIN UNIVERSlTY OF CHINAChina’S Macroeconomy in the Course of Profound Downtum(Part I)