社會類social Class Passage One State of Fear2 Passage Two Checking out the Chicks5 Passage Three The Not-so-great Outdoors7 Passage Four Floppy Discs11 Passage Five Something Rotten13 Passage Six The Decline of the Landline16 Passage Seven Nothing New under the Sun19 Passage Eight Left Behind22 Passage Nine Computing Climate Change25 Passage Ten Charge!28 Passage One The Best Way to Curb Forced Marriages31 Passage Two France's New Year's Tradition: Car-Burning34 Passage Three E-Waste Not 38 Passage Four Bunking in with Mom and Dad41 Passage Five In Japan, Fast Fashion Rules in Slow Times44 Passage Six Can Wind Power Get up to Speed?47 Passage Seven Does the EU's Airline Blacklist Make Flying Safer?51 Passage Eight A Lighter Brew: Nonalcoholic Beer54 Passage Nine Distracted Driving: Should Talking, Texting be Banned?57 Passage Ten Why Americans Are Adopting Fewer Kids from China?61 ……