羅伯特 ·C.·馬丁,也就是鮑勃大叔,從1970年開始就是一個程序員了。他是全球會議上的著名發(fā)言人,他的書包括:《代碼整潔之道》(CleanCode,Prentice Hall,2009)、《敏捷軟件開發(fā):原則、模式和實踐》(Agile SoftwareDevelopment: Principles, Patterns, and Practices,PrenticeHall,1999)和 《UML: Java程序員指南》(UML for Java Programmers,PrenticeHall,2003)。他是一個多產(chǎn)的作家,已經(jīng)發(fā)表和出版了數(shù)百篇文章、論文和博客。他曾經(jīng)是The C++Report雜志的主編,也是敏捷聯(lián)盟(Agile Alliance)的第一任主席。馬丁創(chuàng)建并領(lǐng)導(dǎo)著ObjectMentor公司,擁有許多經(jīng)驗豐富的軟件開發(fā)者和經(jīng)理,主要業(yè)務(wù)是幫助企業(yè)完成他們的項目。 TOP 其它信息 裝幀:平裝頁數(shù):210開本:16開紙張:膠版紙
Foreword xv Preface xxi Acknowledgments xxv About the Author xxxi On the Cover xxxiii Pre-Requisite Introduction Chapter 1 Professionalism Be Careful What You Ask For Taking Responsibility First, Do No Harm Work Ethic Bibliography Chapter 2 Saying No Adversarial Roles High Stakes Being a “Team Player” The Cost of Saying Yes Code Impossible CONTENTS CONTENTS Chapter 3 Saying Yes A Language of Commitment Learning How to Say “Yes” Conclusion Chapter 4 Coding Preparedness The Flow Zone Writer's Block Debugging Pacing Yourself Being Late Help Bibliography Chapter 5 Test Driven Development The Jury Is In The Three Laws of TDD What TDD Is Not Bibliography Chapter 6 Practicing Some Background on Practicing The Coding Dojo Broadening Your Experience Conclusion Bibliography Chapter 7 Acceptance Testing Communicating Requirements Acceptance Tests Conclusion Chapter 8 Testing Strategies QA Should Find Nothing CONTENTS The Test Automation Pyramid Conclusion Bibliography Chapter 9 Time Management Meetings Focus-Manna Time Boxing and Tomatoes Avoidance Blind Alleys Marshes, Bogs, Swamps, and Other Messes Conclusion Chapter 10 Estimation What Is an Estimate? PERT Estimating Tasks The Law of Large Numbers Conclusion Bibliography Chapter 11 Pressure Avoiding Pressure Handling Pressure Conclusion Chapter 12 Collaboration Programmers versus People Cerebellums Conclusion Chapter 13 Teams and Projects Does It Blend? Conclusion Bibliography CONTENTS Chapter 14 Mentoring, Apprenticeship, and Craftsmanship Degrees of Failure Mentoring Apprenticeship Craftsmanship Conclusion Appendix A Tooling Tools Source Code Control IDE/Editor Issue Tracking Continuous Build Unit Testing Tools Component Testing Tools Integration Testing Tools UML/MDA Conclusion Index