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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔考試經(jīng)濟管理類考試F9 Financial Management Studytext F9 財務管理課本ACCA

F9 Financial Management Studytext F9 財務管理課本ACCA

F9 Financial Management Studytext F9 財務管理課本ACCA

定 價:¥220.00

作 者: BPP Learning Media
出版社: 華中科技大學出版社
標 簽: 英國特許公認會計師ACCA

ISBN: 9787560976426 出版時間: 2012-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 480 字數(shù):  


  BPP LearningMedia所著的這本《F9財務管理(ACCA課本)》內容包括:財務管理職能,財務管理環(huán)境,運營資本管理,投資評估,企業(yè)融資,資本成本,企業(yè)估價,風險管理。課本經(jīng)由考官審核,涵蓋所有學員必需了解的F9課程相關知識,逐步指導學員掌握財務管理技巧,這其中包括技巧性較強的投資評估和企業(yè)股價。課本中明確列出了考試用的公式,并搭配大量的例題和習題作為公式的解釋和必要的練習。同時還列出關鍵術語,幫助你理解新術語,諸如貝塔系數(shù)和風險資本。


暫缺《F9 Financial Management Studytext F9 財務管理課本ACCA》作者簡介


IntroductionHelping you to pass- the ONLY F9 Study Text reviewed by theexaminer!Studying F9The exam paper and exam formulaePart A Financial management function1 Financial management and financial objectivesPart B Financial management environment2 The economic environment for business3 Financial markets and ititutioPart C Working capital management4 Working capital5 Managing working capital6 Working capital financePart D Investment appraisal7 Investment decisio8 Investment appraisal using DCF methods9 Allowing for inflation and taxation10 Project appraisal and risk11 Specific investment decisioPart E Business finance12 Sources of finance13 Dividend policy14 Gearing and capital structurePart F Cost of capital15 The cost of capital16 Capital structurePart G Business valuatio17 Business valuatio18 Market efficiencyPart H Risk management19 Foreign currency risk20 Interest rate riskMathematical tablesExam question bankExam awer bankIndexReview form


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