chapter 1 culture, communication and intercultural
section 1: culture
section 2: communication
section 3: intercultural communication
further reading intercultural communication failures
chapter 2 contrasting cultural values and business cultures
section 1: cultural values
section 2: attitude
section 3: belief and religion
section 4: attribution, perception and communication
section 5: diverse cultural patterns
further reading cultural values in international business
chapter 3 culture shock
section 1: introduction
section 2: stages of culture shock
section 3: symptoms of culture shock
section 4: alleviating culture shock (for person and company)
.section 5: high-context
and low-context cultures
further reading stress in culture shock
chapter 4 verbal communication
section 1: language and culture
section 2: oral communication
section 3: written communication
further reading attitudes toward speech and silence
chapter 5 nonverbal communication
section 1: body language
section 2: space and distance
further reading sacred space in germany and other northern european
chapter 6 gender differences in communication
section 1: differences in gender communication
section 2: overcoming roadblocks in gender communication
further reading how are roles females playing in international
chapter 7 business etiquette and social customs
section 1: making introductions and greeting
section 2: handshaking and exchanging business cards
section 3: dressing and dining
section 4: gift giving and receiving customs
section 5: humour, superstitions and taboos
further reading moto: coming to us
chapter 8 business negotiation across cultures
section 1: communication in negotiation
section 2: stereotypes of different cultures that affect
intercultural negotiations
section 3: negotiation strategies
section 4: physical context of negotiation
section 5: phases of negotiation
further reading american style of hospitality or french style of
chapter 9 international marketing communication
section 1: a cultural approach to international marketing
section 2: cultural influence on selected aspects of marketing and
section 3: global marketing and advertising exercises
further reading what has happened to hong kong disneyland?
chapter 10 intercultural management
section 1: cultural factors in international business
section 2: corporate culture
section 3: development of teamwork
section 4: strategies for international marketers
further reading team building
key to the exercises