繼哈佛大學(xué)著名歷史學(xué)家錢寧的《美國學(xué)生歷史》(英漢雙語版)出版問市后,受到眾多讀者歡迎,不少讀者期望能買到英文原版關(guān)于美國歷史的教材,此書正是為滿足這部分讀者純英文閱讀的需求。這本全英文版的《美國歷史》由美國著名歷史學(xué)家比爾德編寫,以西方人的視角,深入淺出地介紹了從殖民地時(shí)期到世界大戰(zhàn)期間美國歷史上的重大事件與文明發(fā)展。本書按不同歷史時(shí)期,分知識點(diǎn),一一講述,便于理解記憶。為使讀者更好地理解和掌握各章的重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn),每章末尾還附有練習(xí)題和思考題。文中還配有相應(yīng)的插圖,便于對不同地域和各個(gè)時(shí)期人物及事件有更直觀感受。通過閱讀本書,能理清美國歷史發(fā)展脈絡(luò),獲得對美國歷史全景式認(rèn)知,從而能更好地了解美國這個(gè)社會(huì)和文化多元的國家。本英文版適合高中以上讀者閱讀使用,對于備考SAT的學(xué)生應(yīng)該很有幫助。全書提供配套英文朗讀下載,在提升閱讀水平的同時(shí)練習(xí)英文聽力與口語。對于普通英語學(xué)習(xí)愛好者,也是一本很好的了解美國歷史的學(xué)習(xí)讀本。作者在前言中,對此書的特點(diǎn)作了如下介紹:It is not upon negative features, however, that we rest our case. It is rather upon constructive features.First. We have written a topical, not a narrative, history. We have tried to set forth the important aspects, problems, and movements of each period, bringing in the narrative rather by way of illustration.Second. We have emphasized those historical topics which help to explain how our nation has come to be what it is to-day.Third. We have dwelt fully upon the social and economic aspects of our history, especially in relation to the politics of each period.Fourth. We have treated the causes and results of wars, the problems of financing and sustaining armed forces, rather than military strategy. These are the subjects, which belong to a history for civilians. These are matters which civilians can understand-matters which they must understand, if they are to play well their part in war and peace.Fifth. By omitting the period of exploration, we have been able to enlarge the treatment of our own time. We have given special attention to the history of those current questions which must form the subject matter of sound instruction in citizenship.Sixth. We have borne in mind that America, with all her unique characteristics, is a part of a general civilization. Accordingly we have given diplomacy, foreign affairs, world relations, and the reciprocal influences of nations their appropriate place.Seventh. We have deliberately aimed at standards of maturity.The study of a mere narrative calls mainly for the use of the memory. We have aimed to stimulate habits of analysis, comparison, association, reflection, and generalization-habits calculated to enlarge as well as inform the mind. We have been at great pains to make our text clear, simple, and direct; but we have earnestly sought to stretch the intellects of our readers- to put them upon their mettle. Most of them will receive the last of their formal instruction in the high school. The world will soon expect maturity from them. Their achievements will depend upon the possession of other powers than memory alone. The effectiveness of their citizenship in our republic will be measured by the excellence of their judgment as well as the fullness of their information.
查爾斯·A·比爾德,美國著名歷史學(xué)家,去世于1948年。他寫作的《美國文明的興起》一書,被商務(wù)印書館翻譯出版并選入“漢譯名著”系列。Charles Austin Beard (November 27, 1874-September 1, 1948) was an American historian. He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. His works included radical re-evaluation of the Founding Fathers of the United States, whom he believed were more motivated by economics than by philosophical principles.Mary Ritter Beard (August 5, 1876-August 14, 1958) was an influential American historian andarchivist , who played an important role in the women's suffrage movement and was a lifelong advocate for social justice through educational and activist roles in both the labor and woman's rights movements. She wrote several books on women's role in history including On Understanding Women (1931), America Through Women's Eyes (1933) and Woman As Force In History: A Study in Traditions and Realities (1946). In addition, she collaborated with her husband, eminent historian Charles Austin Beard on several distinguished works, most notably The Rise of American Civilization (1927).
PART ITHE COLONIAL PERIOD 1 THE GREAT MIGRATION TO AMERICA The Agencies of American Colonization The Colonial Peoples The Process of Colonization 2 COLONIAL AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRY, AND COMMERCE The Land and the Westward Movement Industrial and Commercial Development 3 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROGRESS The Leadership of the Churches Schools and Colleges The Colonial Press The Evolution in Political Institutions 4 THE DEVELOPMENT OF COLONIAL NATIONALISM Relations with the Indians and the French The Effects of Warfare on the Colonies Colonial Relations with the British Government Summary of the Colonial Period PART II CONFLICT AND INDEPENDENCE 5 THE NEW COURSE IN BRITISH IMPERIAL POLICY George III and His System George III s Ministers and Their Colonial Policies Colonial Resistance Forces Repeal Resumption of British Revenue and Commercial Policies Renewed Resistance in America Retaliation by the British Government From Reform to Revolution in America 6 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Resistance and Retaliation American Independence The Establishment of Government and the New Allegiance Military Affairs The Finances of the Revolution The Diplomacy of the Revolution Peace at Last Summary of the Revolutionary Period PART III FOUNDATIONS OF THE UNION AND NATIONAL POLITICS 7 THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION The Promise and the Difficulties of America The Calling of a Constitutional Convention The Framing of the Constitution The Struggle over Ratification 8 THE CLASH OF POLITICAL PARTIES 115 The Men and Measures of the New Government The Rise of Political Parties Foreign Influences and Domestic Politics 9 THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICANS IN POWER 132 Republican Principles and Policies The Republicans and the Great West The Republican War for Commercial Independence The Republicans Nationalized The National Decisions of Chief Justice Marshall Summary of the Union and National Politics PART IV THE WEST AND JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY 1 THE FARMERS BEYOND THE APPALACHIANS 155 Preparation for Western Settlement The Western Migration and New States The Spirit of the Frontier The West and the East Meet 11 JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY 17 The Democratic Movement in the East The New Democracy Enters the Arena The New Democracy at Washington The Rise of the Whigs The Interaction of American and European Opinion 12 THE MIDDLE BORDER AND THE GREAT WEST 194 The Advance of the Middle Border On to the Pacific-Texas and the Mexican War The Pacific Coast and Utah Summary of Western Development and National Politics PART V SECTIONAL CONFLICT AND RECONSTRUCTION 13 THE RISE OF THE INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM 211 The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution and National Politics 14 THE PLANTING SYSTEM AND NATIONAL POLITICS 226 Slavery-North and South Slavery in National Politics The Drift of Events toward the Irrepressible Conflict 15 THE CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION 245 The Southern Confederacy The War Measures of the Federal Government The Results of the Civil War Reconstruction in the South Summary of the Sectional Conflict PART VI NATIONAL GROWTH AND WORLD POLITICS 16 THE POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC EVOLUTION OF THE SOUTH 27 The South at the Close of the War The Restoration of White Supremacy The Economic Advance of the South 17 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 285 Railways and Industry The Supremacy of the Republican Party (1861-85) The Growth of Opposition to Republican Rule 18 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GREAT WEST 3 The Railways As Trail Blazers The Evolution of Grazing and Agriculture Mining and Manufacturing in the West The Admission of New States The Influence of the Far West on National Life 19 DOMESTIC ISSUES BEFORE THE COUNTRY (1865-1897) 322 The Currency Question The Protective Tariff and Taxation The Railways and Trusts The Minor Parties and Unrest The Sound Money Battle of 1896 Republican Measures and Results 2 AMERICA A WORLD POWER (1865-19) 34 American Foreign Relations (1865-98) Cuba and the Spanish War American Policies in the Philippines and the Orient Summary of National Growth and World Politics PART VII PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY AND THE WORLD WAR 21 THE EVOLUTION OF REPUBLICAN POLICIES (19-1913) 362 Foreign Affairs Colonial Administration The Roosevelt Domestic Policies Legislative and Executive Activities The Administration of President Taft Progressive Insurgency and the Election of 1912 22 THE SPIRIT OF REFORM IN AMERICA 382 An Age of Criticism Political Reforms Measures of Economic Reform 23 THE NEW POLITICAL DEMOCRACY 395 The Rise of the Woman Movement The National Struggle for Woman Suffrage 24 INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY 4 Cooperation between Employers and Employees The Rise and Growth of Organized Labor The Wider Relations of Organized Labor Immigration and Americanization 25 PRESIDENT WILSON AND THE WORLD WAR 418 Domestic Legislation Colonial and Foreign Policies The United States and the European War The United States at War The Settlement at Paris Summary of Democracy and the World War