王文等編著的《現(xiàn)代美國詩歌》簡介:The textbook consists of six parts. Each partfirstly gives a brief account of the poetic school focusing on theappearance of its roots, its features and representative poets.Then it picks up some poets and their poems as examples indifferent chapters, which include a short history of the poet' slife, his or her writing style, and understanding of the poems.Almost every chapter concludes with quoting some famous commentsfrom native speakers as further readings to lead the readers intoacademic and critical appreciations of the poet and his or herpoems.
Part One Symbolism
Chapter One Thomas Steams Eliot( 1888 - 1965 )
Part Two Imagism
Chapter Two Ezra Pound( 1885 - 1972)
Chapter Three Carl Sandburg( 1878 - 1967)
Part Three Traditionalists
Chapter Four Edwin Arlington Robinson( 1869 -1935 )
Chapter Five Robert Lee Frost( 1874 - 1963)
Part Four Surrealism
Chapter Six Wallace Stevens ( 1879 - 1955 )
Chapter Seven William Carlos Williams( 1883 -1963)
Chapter Eight Edward Estlin Cummings( 1894 -1962)
Chapter Nine Robinson Jeffers( 1887 -1962)
Part Five Harlem Renaissance
Chapter Ten Claude MeKay( 1889 - 1948)
Chapter Eleven Langston Hughes( 1902 - 1967)
Part Six The Beats
Chapter Twelve Allen Ginsburg( 1926 - 1997 )
Chapter Thirteen Gary Snyder( 1930 - )
Chapter Fourteen Kenneth Rexroth ( 1905 - 1982)
Part Seven Confessionalists
Chapter Fifteen Robert Lowell( 1917 - 1977 )
Chapter Sixteen John Ashbery( 1927 - )
Part Eight Women Poets
Chapter Seventeen Anne Sexton( 1928- 1974)
Chapter Eighteen Sylvia Plath ( 1932 - 1963 )
Works Cited